一、问题 MTK5658方案,源码下载后,第一次编译报错停止,不要make clean,直接再编译一次却可以正常编译。 就是说新下载的代码第一次会报错,之后就不会了。 编译错误,有如下信息 out/host/linux-x86/bin/jack: line 66: SETTING_VERSION: unbound variable Writing client settingsin/home/kangde/.jack-settings No...
When I execute your brew bash script using cloud-init, I got as error HOME: unbound variable. do you know how to fix it ? // Command executed CI=1 /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ZhongRuoyu/homebrew-aarch64-linux/HEAD/install.sh)" // cloud-init log...
Operating system and version: Arch Linux 4.10.9-1-ARCH / nvm 0.33.1 nvm debug output: nvm --version: v0.33.1 $SHELL: /bin/bash $HOME: /home/username $NVM_DIR: '$HOME/.nvm' $PREFIX: '' $NPM_CONFIG_PREFIX: '' $NVM_NODEJS_ORG_MIRROR: 'https...
投产碰到问题:PS1: unbound variable 很尴尬,投产是碰到如下的问题 (忽略小番茄)身为一个大数据开发工程师,面对这个问题很头大,而且是集中投产,远程运维大哥给sh +x commond.sh,就发来截图,找好解决方案在联系他。 首先去百度,bing,google查询 大部分都是在脚本中添加,set +u set +x完全不懂这是在做啥,不...
I see a mention of the unbound variable error in Fluent knowledgebase solution 2041270: Check to see if you have the below variable defined. If not, please define it. LANG = en_US or LANG = C This issue has been seen with :RHEL 6.7 machineGerman language February 25, 2023 at 6:58 ...
error in alsa-capabilties: UO_EP_LABELS[${alsa_if_uac_ep}]: unbound variable Created by: hurra pi@raspberrypi ~ $ export scriptname="alsa-capabilities" pi@raspberrypi ~ $ export url="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ronalde/mpd-configure/master/${scriptname}" pi@raspberrypi ~ $ ...
In an environment without Internet connectivity, set theDISABLE_UNBOUND_ANCHORenvironment variable to yes to disable theunbound-anchorcommand from being run. This prevents access to the root server and ensures that the Unbound service can be started as expe...
# sets the PTHREAD_LIBS output variable to the threads library and linker # flags, and the PTHREAD_CFLAGS output variable to any special C compiler # flags that are needed. (The user can also force certain compiler # flags/libs to be tested by setting these environment variables.) #...
在 Python 图形用户界面( GUI )应用程序中,文本框是一种常见的控件,用于接收用户的输入信息。获取...
CentOS/CentOS 7/Linux/PHP/PHP 7.4/Rancher/Rancher 1.6.18/Shell/云计算/操作系统/服务器/编程语言 2020/10/10 在Rancher 中升级容器时,报错:CHANNEL_PUB_API_CFG_APP_AVATAR_UPLOAD_PATH: unbound variable 的分析解决 1、在 Rancher 中升级容器时,报错:CHANNEL_PUB_... ...