when i run "start.ps1" after install all requirment. i got : "Entering script directory /home/userName/ios-safari-remote-debug-kit/src start.sh: line 11: $1: unbound variable Owner HimbeersaftLP commented Nov 14, 2023 Oops, I messed up, by adding the set -u without changing that ...
When calling bazel without parameters, the script was giving an error "$1: unbound variable". This fixes it by using an explicit default value of an empty string.release-0.18 ikorolev93 authored and Jay Conrod committed Aug 23, 2019 1 parent 0db127e commit 67c9ddf Showing 1 changed file...
./test.sh ./test.sh: line5: PARAM: unbound variable echo $?1 参考资料: shell 脚本中$$,$#,$?分别代表什么意思?:http://zhidao.baidu.com/link?url=0KXS2kbSzOsL6egl-ng68W8x5oHNwcqEcP13o1gM-M-dB9Ak6dyESfbIm2B67Q7clsbU7Ypcz3mKyLDzrAwOqK linux中shell变量$#,$@,$0,$1,$2的含义...
Error: acc..请教各位大佬,点击计算后显示报错,无法继续计算了Error: access: unbound variableError Object: set-var!请问这是怎么回事,怎么能解决呢
[root@bogon shell]# set -u[root@bogon shell]# echo $y-bash: y: unbound variable 2.2 变量删除 语法格式:unset 变量名 #定义变量[root@bogon dev]# name=jane#输出值[root@bogon dev]# echo $namejane#删除变量[root@bogon dev]# unset name[root@bogon dev]# echo $name#这里为空,表示变量已经...
7. buildNumber : unbound variable vim /usr/sbin/ambari-server 将${buildNumber}这行换成 HASH="${VERSION}" 该文件源码位置位于:./ambari-server/sbin/ambari-server,修改后,在进行编译,可以一劳永逸。 8. ambari卡在设置集群名称的下一步 详情见下图:设置好集群名称,卡在了NEXT这一步,换句话说,就是sele...
-bash: file: unbound variable [root@localhost ~]$ set -x #指令重现 [root@localhost ~]$ ls +ls --color=auto test.sh 四、shell变量 1)何为shell变量 在一个脚本周期内,其值可以发生改变的量就是变量。 shell变量在其定义之前就使用,比如在100行用赋值号创建了某个变量,但是你可以在第10行就用ech...
$ echo $undefined_variable bash: undefined_variable: unbound variable 复制 这种错误信息提示用户该程序存在错误,需要查找并修复错误。 常见原因 变量或函数名的拼写错误。比如,当你拼写错一个变量名时,Shell会认为这是一个未定义的变量而抛出未设置的鱼的错误信息。 变量或函数在当前作用域中并没有定义。在Shel...
For example, the floating IP address cannot be unbound from the master database. As a result, it cannot be assigned to the slave database so that the slave database fails to switch to master. Troubleshooting Method Forcibly restart the VM on which the master database is deployed to release...
(MoeLove)➜ ~ bashadd.sh5(MoeLove)➜ ~ bash -uadd.shadd.sh:line4: tne: unbound variable Add-uoption, you can check whether the variable is undefined/bound. Use in combination The above are several more common ways of using, of course, you can also use them in combination. For ...