Tested versions Reproducible in: v4.3.dev6.official [89850d5], v4.2.1.stable.official [b09f793] and later 4.2.1 snapshots. System information Windows 10 - Godot Engine v4.3.dev6.official.89850d553 Issue description It is not possible to ...
harbor 安装报错 :Cannot start service redis: failed to initialize logging driver: dial tcp Godot学习过程中所遇到的问题二:导出Android报错:Could not find keystore,unable to export. Failed to initialize NVML: Driver/library version mismatch问题的解决办法,不需要重启系统,也不需要重装! 启...
Steps to reproduce Install Godot 4.4.dev4 on an Android device. Open or create a new project in the editor. Press the "Play" button to run the project. Observe the screen behavior: a black screen appears momentarily, and then the editor reloads without running the project. Minimal reproduct...
Godot学习过程中所遇到的问题二:导出Android报错:Could not find keystore,unable to export.,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
godot 4.2.1 现象 godot4.2.1 默认使用vulkan驱动,如果再不支持vulkan驱动的主机上,进入引擎编辑器将报错如下 解决 启动参数添加 –rendering-driver opengl3 即可进入引擎编辑器 此时运行项目仍然会报错无法初始化驱动 在项目设置中配置编辑器运行参数即可
Godot v4.4.dev.mono (108c603) - Windows 10.0.22631 - Vulkan (Forward+) - dedicated NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 (NVIDIA; - AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core Processor (24 Threads) Issue description When importing a mixamo character as an FBX in 4.4.dev, its not possible to instant...
Godot version 4.0 alpha 10 VS Code version 1.68.1 Godot Tools VS Code extension version 1.3.1 System information Windows 11 Issue description Unable to launch a debugger with Godot 4, connection with GDScript language server works fine. ...
Before experiencing the bug for the first time I saved the current scene, pushed all my changes to git, and then had the Godot window unfocused in the background. I only have one addon in the project and some custom editor scripts and both of them do not change the editor GUI in any...
Steps to reproduce Download meta app for Godot Engine Create a new project Create a new scene B and save Create a new scene A On the right side of the screen on the node tree tree attach the B scene as a child There is no uiux for making the B scene editable. ...