原问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2998832/git-pull-fails-unable-to-resolve-reference-unable-to-update-local-ref__EOF__ 本文作者: Ryan Miao 本文链接: https://www.cnblogs.com/woshimrf/p/git-pull-fails-unable-to-resolve-reference-unable-to-update-local-ref.html 关于...
Since updating to beta 8, VS2015 is unable to resolve references to my class libraries. The libraries are wrapped, and the solution builds and runs correctly - I am unable to use intellisense or autocomplete, however. I was able to repro...
Stack Overflow , 原问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2998832/git-pull-fails-unable-to-resolve-reference-unable-to-update-local-ref
Information in this document applies to any platform.SymptomsOn : 12.2.9 version, When working on oracle work in Progress ,material transactions form is giving the error. ERROR---FRM-40105 Unable Resolve Reference to Item WIPTXMAT.ONHAND_INQUIRYSTEPS---The issue can be reproduced at will with...
试了网上很多方法都不生效 例如: git gc --prune=now $ git remote prune origin 这种是没有用的,执行这个命令还是报错 Answer rm .git/refs/remotes/origin/dev git fetch 这种报错是 origin/dev 错误可能是文件缺失了删除了再拉取代码就正常了 ...
解决git pull拉取更新代码失败,unable to resolve reference ‘refs/remotes/origin/xxx分支名’: reference broken问题,摘要 近期在合并拉取代码,在合并分支代码时不知做了什么操作,使用gitpull命令更新本地代码失败,显示本地分支参考关联损坏失效。具体的错误提示如
其他人拉取代码的时候,发现拉不下来。 >git fetch error: cannot lock ref 'refs/remotes/origin/...
1、根据错误提示,找到本地.git中损坏的‘refs/remotes/origin/xxx分支名’文件,删除即可。 2、删除损坏的文件后,再使用git pull重新拉取更新远程端的代码即可完美解决。 参考文章: https://blog.walterlv.com/post/git-fetch-failed-for-reference-broken.html...
Reason: Unable to resolve reference of StringUtils.. DataWeave 2 Upvote Answer Share 2 answers 566 views Andruidist 5 years ago mule-java-module is for Java module, not for apache-commons. Your app does not know where StringUtils are. Usually they are hidden in some other dependency or ...
unable to resolve texture reference 无法解析纹理引用 重点词汇 unable to无法;不能;不了;不会;不能够 texture纹理;质地;口感;手感;谐和统一感,神韵;使具有某种结构©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 | 文库协议 | 网站地图 | 百度营销 ...