import pandas as pd import pandas_datareader as web import datetime as dt start = dt.datetime(2018, 1, 1) end = dt.datetime(2020, 1, 1) web.DataReader(name='AAPL', data_source='yahoo', start=start,end= end) RemoteDataError: Unable to read URL:
pandas_datareader._utils.RemoteDataError: Unable to read URL: Is yahoo off? from google finance it comes ok. Thanks canivel commentedon Feb 9, 2016 canivel femtotrader commentedon Feb 26, 2016 ...
4)解析 url ,获取真正的 hiveserver2 的地址与端口等信息 5)创建连接,支持重试 问题在于: 通过代码逻辑判断,第 3 步获取 znode 数据为空(可能是高并发请求导致的问题,zk 日志没有相关的信息),导致抛出 unable to read HiveServer2 uri from ZooKeeper: 异常 连接串里 retries 没有配置,默认是 1,所以一次失...
英语翻译starcraft unable to read a requiraft CD may not be in the CDROM drive .please ensure that the starcraft disc is in the CDROM drive and press leave the Exit这是啥意思,希望一句一句来,好不好当帮帮我好
Could you please try to update private static readonly string Authority = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, Configuration["AzureAd:AadInstance"], "common", "/v2.0"). Hope this will help to understand the issue. Thanks, Shweta --- Please remember to "Accept Answer" if ...
使用二次开发程序产生异常,提示“Unable to read HiveServer2 configs from ZooKeeper”信息。问题原因使用的krb5.conf、user.keytab文件不是最新的,或者文件与示例代码里填写登录用户不匹配。使用客户端环境的时间与连接的集群时间差大于5分钟。使用的krb5.conf、
使用二次开发程序产生异常,提示“Unable to read HiveServer2 configs from ZooKeeper”信息。问题原因使用的krb5.conf、user.keytab文件不是最新的,或者文件与示例代码里填写登录用户不匹配。使用客户端环境的时间与连接的集群时间差大于5分钟。解决措施检查代码下载最新
Sitemap could not be read General HTTP error 1 instance We encountered an error while trying to access your Sitemap. Please ensure your Sitemap follows our guidelines and can be accessed at the location you provided and then resubmit. Examples HTTP Error:500enter image description here ...
ZooKeeper报警告Unable to read additional data from server sessionid, likely server has closed socket的解决方法 原因: 由于有多台ZooKeeper,同时断开连接偶尔会有些网络异常是正常的,不需要理会。如果有洁癖或强迫症,见以下方法。 方法: * 所有ZooKeeper机器都要执行该步骤...
解决“Unable to read config path “/etc/kubernetes/manifests”: path does not exist”问题 1. 问题背景 在Kubernetes集群中,当我们启动或管理容器的时候,可能会遇到类似于“Unable to read config path ‘/etc/kubernetes/manifests’: path does not exist”这样的错误。这个错误通常是由于Kubernetes无法找到配...