报错: An error occurred while collecting items to be installed session context was:(profile=epp.package.jee, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=). Unable to read repository at http://download.eclipse.org/efxclipse/updates-released/2.4.0/site/plugins/o...
查看错误信息发现 unable to read repository at 后面有一个地址 这个地址就是你想下载的插件的jar包的地址 然后用下载工具下载会容易许多,并且下一次安装不需要重新下了 错误尝试: 之前以为http://www.eclipse.org/pde/samples/plugins会是一个有效可以浏览的地址, 结果显示不是一个可以浏览的页面, 就对正确的下...
Please go ahead and reattempt installation (you may need to restart your IDE before trying) and it should work just fine. Again, thank you for bringing this to our attention! Author PostsViewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total) ...
1 安装完Eclipse后,点击“Window –> Preferences”,在弹出的页面里,选择“Network Connections”,在右边的【Active Provider】的下拉框选中【Menual】2 选中【HTTP】,点击左边的【Edit】编辑按钮,在Host和port里分别写入:server1.proxyserver.com,4007,点击【ok】3 此时再点击Help->Install New Software... 在...
Unable to read repository at http://tomcatplugin.sf.net/update/content.xml. Received fatal alert: handshake_failure 由于使用的是Eclipse4.6.3,导致安装时提示不能安装此插件,解决方法如下: 1、网络问题,使用VPN。 2、挂载了VPN之后再拖动一次这个按钮到Eclipse中: ...
./eclipse 即可运行elipse 4. 安装python3 sudo apt-get install python3 -y 5. 安装PyDev,这里有官方的教程,很简单 http://pydev.org/manual_101_install.html 安装步骤到这的时候 提示 Unable to read repository at http://pydev.org/updates/content.xml. ...
Eclipse安装教程(ERROR:Unable to read repository at http://download.eclipse.org/releases/2019-12/20191) (如果遇到标题所示错误,请直接从8、下载安装包开始) 安装Eclipse(集成开发环境) 1、访问Eclipse官网 在搜索栏中输入eclipse,并点击如下链接即可进入eclipse的官网...
Just upgraded to Eclipse 2020-06, needed several attempts since STS always breaks the process. Disabling STS for the moment helped me succeed, but now I am stuck with STS still not updating: Unable to read repository at https://download...
Red Hat Enterprise Linux是Red Hat公司的Linux发行版,面向商业市场,包括大型机。红帽公司从Red Hat ...
我的配置:Eclipse Kepler +adt-22.2.0+android-sdk(4.0 4.4 7.1)