手机设置一下root权限 开通读写权限 试试
Trying to install Fpylll package on Ubuntu as per the doc: LINK Update the package index: # sudo apt-get update Install python3-fpylll deb package: # sudo apt-get install python3-fpylll I receive a notification: Reading package lists... ...
没有用过IBM的 jdk,但是因该是因为你的环境变量出错了。你可以看下你的jdk源码吗? 看看下面有没有java.lang这个包;或者你用eclipse看下,尝试去import java.lang,看下有没有自动完成你就知道有没有这个包了
再装docker-py:pip install docker-py 之后在python的编译环境中import docker 果然一切顺利啊 在自己不熟悉相关配置的时候 还是不要乱升级系统中的python了
Describe the feature or problem you’d like to solve I am on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Focal Fossa. When I hit the command "sudo apt install gh", it says "E: Unable to locate package gh". I tried searching for package on ubuntu distribution site, ...
"Could not bulk load because SSIS file mapping object 'Global\DTSQLIMPORT' could not be opened. Operating system error code 5(Access is denied.). "COULD NOT FIND A PART OF PATH" WHILE EXECUTING PACKAGE THROUGH STORED PROCEDURE "Drop and recreate destination table" option disabled "Invalid dat...
E: Unable to locate package mongodb-org //This is the error Why is there occurring and is there a work around? node.js mongodb installation I faced same issue but fix it by the changing the package file section command. The whole step that i followed was: ...
First, I followed Chris' advice, opened a command line and typed 'pip show packagename' This provided the location of the installed package. Next, I opened python and typed 'import sys', then 'sys.path' to show where my python searches for any packages I import. Alas, the location ...
I am trying to use within iframe using Selenium in Python, but seem unable to locate the acceptance button for the cookie popup window. Here's the code I built: url = '' driver = webdriver.Safari()...
selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"link text","selector":"升级备份"} Unable to locate element(定位不到元素) 可能原因如下: 1、确定定位该元素是否正确,可以换种方式定位改元素,具体方法可以参考本人另一篇Python+selenium自动...