@文心快码unable to locate package code 文心快码 作为Comate,由文心一言驱动的智能编程助手,我将基于你提供的问题和提示,为你提供详细的解答。 确认用户使用的操作系统和软件包管理器: 首先,我们需要知道你正在使用的操作系统(如Ubuntu、Debian、Fedora等)以及对应的软件包管理器(如apt、yum、dnf等)。这将直接...
Unable to locate package错误解决办法 原因:刚安装,软件源还来不及更新,无法找到包。 解决办法: 1.首先尝试update命令 sudo apt-get update 2.如果不行则执行upgrade sudo apt-get upgrade 3.最后上面两项都不行则尝试 sudo apt-get install aptitude 成功以后使用 sudo aptitude install xxxxx ——— 版权声明...
第一种情况,也是遇到最多的,就是没有更新软件库缓存 执行下面命令即可: sudo apt update 第二种情况,因为网络问题,国外的源需要换成国内源 备份之前的源: cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak 编辑替换源: vi /etc/apt/sources.list 将里面内容全部清空,替换成如下内容,这里选择的是清华源...
E:Unabletolocatepackagegedit-gmate ? ubuntu操作系统,想用gedit ,发现用不了,然后我sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install gedit-gmate 提示 E:Unabletolocatepackagegedit-gmate。 浏览7512提问于2018-03-02 1回答 "Unabletolocatepackage“仅在docker镜像内 ...
Warning: An error has occurred while installing "libboost-dev" Linux package. System returned the following error message: Error executing command "sudo apt-get -y install libboost-dev". Details: STDERR: E: Unable to locate package libboost-dev Will th...
a它让我印象深刻 It lets my impression be profound [translate] araw clips 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] a茶王 Chawang [translate] aunable to locate it, and the only source code we have is in .RAR format 无法找出它和我们有的唯一的原始代码以.RAR格式 [translate] ...
And here is my modified DockerFile per@i11quick recommendation (which did get me past the originalUnable to locate package condaerror: ARG IMAGE_TYPE=extras ARG BASE_IMAGE=ubuntu:22.04 # extras or core FROM ${BASE_IMAGE} as requirements-core ARG GO_VERSION=1.21.7 ARG BUILD_TYPE ARG CUDA...
I am trying to install the Realsense SDK from source on Ubuntu 22.04. When I try to install the libraries and the developer & debug packages, it says, "unable to locate packages". sudo apt-get install librealsense2-utils sudo apt-get install librealsense2-dev sudo apt-get install libreal...
E:Unable to locate package Im-sensors"dcsapak Proxmox Staff Member Staff member Feb 1, 2016 10,266 1,539 273 36 Vienna Feb 23, 2016 #4 the correct command for updating the package list is Code: apt-get update please try again with this command instead of Code: apt-get install...
I am trying to configure Nginx on my VM. This is in unit 3 of module 5 (Describe Azure Compute and Network Services) of the Azure900 series. I copied the code and pasted it into the Azure CLI but when i entered it, this error came up: E: Unable to…