今天改了下全屏游戏就..今天改了下全屏游戏就崩了,一直弹unable to initialize opengl window 重装游戏也没用,有没有解决办法顶下顶下
This method works for many users. If you encounter the error “Failed to initialize OpenGL“, or “Unable to initialize openGL window“, you can try this solution to fix it. Since the game varies, we take the No Man’s Sky as an example. 1) Right click the name of the game in ste...
TheUnable to initialize OpenGLerror usually means that the OpenGL version on your system (driver) is not in line with a specific games system requirements or your system (driver) does not support OpenGL. Typically when you see this message, you will need OpenGL 2.1 or higher and for some ga...
是你的系统某个软件把color软件自动关闭了 重新装系统吧
解决方案!出现Una..在steam上的大神已经发现问题(感谢Dagam这位大神),游戏默认分辨率为1080P,并不会自动根据你的显示器去调整,所以导致这个BUG解决方法:打开游戏目录"\No Man's
更新显卡驱动 OPENGL携带在显卡驱动里 单独下的是OPENAL
1124 无人深空吧 Craty落幕 今天改了下全屏游戏就崩了,一直弹unable to initialize opengl window 重装游戏也没用,有没有解决办法 分享3赞 pscad吧 nice越越越越越 线路Tline问题,为什么出现unable to solve line constants, check the log file for details.这个问题?是参数哪里需要修改么? 分享72 重装系统吧...
Solved Jump to solution Hello everybody ! I'm a french user therefore DO NOT pay attention to my bad grammar. I've actually install DOOM 3 BFG Edition but got a problem when i try to run it. The error is "Unable to initialize Open GL" and the following message appears : QA Timi...
//So I just unbind it from this thread and call SDL_GL_DeleteContext in the main thread at closing.SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(mainWindow,NULL);return0; }intmain(intargc,char* argv[]) {if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) !=0) {SDL_LogInfo(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION,"Unable to initialize SDL: ...
init unable to initialize rendererinit unable to initialize renderer 硬件问题: 显卡驱动程序过时或损坏。确保你的显卡驱动程序是最新的,并且与你的操作系统和应用程序兼容。 显卡不支持应用程序所需的渲染技术或API(如OpenGL, Vulkan, DirectX等)。检查应用程序的文档,确保你的显卡和驱动程序支持所需的技术。 软件...