2023-10-25 503 SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE "Unable to find instance for xxx" ==> 服务器对应的实例没启动 调接口报错:503 服务不可用 “找不到xxx的实例” 原因:服务器对应的实例没启动 解决方案:启动对应实例
"error": "Internal Server Error", "message": "Unable to find instance for daoji-tourism-prod" } But after a few seconds, everything comes to be normal and the problem will occur repeatedly. The exception details are shown as below: 2019-04-01 09:15:47.342 [reactor-http-server-epoll-7...
"path": "/x/xx/xxx", "status": 503, "error": "Service Unavailable", "message": "Unable to find instance for my-service", Describe what happened (or what feature you want) 无法查到已注册服务 Describe what you expected to happen 正常路由到注册的服务 How to reproduce it (as minimally ...
看你标题那句话的下面那行,结合起来就是你在o_enermy1的step事件里调用的hitBy这个变量应该是个instance,但引擎没有找到,可能你并没有给这个hitBy指定为某instance,也可能你指定过,但尚未创建或已经被销毁。另外留意下enermy这个词是打错了吧。 加入indienova ...
NotFoundException: 503 SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE "Unable to find instance for content-api 一、pom配置 因为路由转发配置上用到了lb:,这个是负载均衡的标志,而在Spring Cloud 2020版本以后,就移除了Ribbon负载均衡器,官方默认推荐使用Spring Cloud Loadbalancer正式替换Ribbon。因此我们需要把Spring Cloud Loadbalancer加载到...
Error: in triplet x64-windows: Unable to find a valid Visual Studio instance The following VS instances were excluded because the English language pack is unavailable: vcpkg install ***安装软件时报错 参考资料 The following VS instances were excluded because the English language pack is unavailable...
SecurityTokenUnableToValidateException(ValidationFailure, String) Initializes a new instance of the SecurityTokenSignatureKeyNotFoundException class. SecurityTokenUnableToValidateException(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) Initializes a new instance of the SecurityTokenSignatureKeyNotFoundException c...
1. 然后发现容器一直自动重启,没办法一直正常有运行,docker logs 查看容器日志提示如下 Error creating bundle cache. Unable to update instance pid: Unable to create directory /nexus-data/instances mkdir: cannot create directory '../sonatype-work/nexus3/log': Permission denied ...