Failed to Start Infra Solr Instance in Ambari, Please find the logs, --- Traceback (most recent call last):File "/var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/common-services/AMBARI_INFRA_SOLR/0.1.0/package/scripts/", line 171, in <module>InfraSolr().execute()File "/usr/lib/ambari...
Nifi unable to start Cannot set Concurrent Tasks to 0 for component JoltTransformJSON Labels: Apache NiFi AyanF New Contributor Created 10-12-2023 10:57 PM Hello All,My nifi instance crashed due to some infra issue and when I restarted it, it gave the following error -Caus...
I know that ssl-passthrough is working on L4, but there is an another workaround to provide the client IP to the application (toHttpContext.Request.RemoteIpAddressorX-Forwarded-FororX-Real-IPheaders)? What you expected to happen: I am hoping for a workaround to preserve the client IP in...
So I debug the code in the idea I find that thecontextManageralways returns empty, which makes me very confused sandynzcommentedMar 28, 2023 Hi@isHuangXin, could you paste yourserver.yamlhere? Need to confirm which registry center you're running, it just support Cluster mode for now. And ...
I am trying to follow the steps described in I...
I installed SQL Management studio and am able to connect to the Windows Internal Database without any problems, All services related to Remote Desktop are also running.Ping and DNS lookups are working fine as well each server can ping and reverse lookup the other 2 servers without any issues....
"value for the attribute was not in the acceptable range" error when trying to edit attribute value in ADLDS instance "verification of prerequisites for domain controller promotion failed. Certificate server is installed" error when promoting Windows server 2012 to Domain Controller "WhenChanged" Attr...
But when I'm logged into the Server ( Local Host where NW 7.3 is installed ) I'm unable to access the NWA, System info etc .. still ..The only change is that .. the error has changed from 403 forbidden to .. 500 - Internal server error ... ...
I see the Ansible EC2 Module's capability to provision / start / stop / terminate. However is there a way to lookup / query for the instance details like Private IP, Public IP etc. I am looking at the... Error during RTSP streaming using gstreamer ...
We make the assumption that project names are confidential - learning that anycorp/self-driving-car exists, for instance, immediately tells you something that anycorp might prefer to be kept secret. Perhaps a deploy token, per