当你在安装或配置某些软件时,如果遇到“setup is unable to find the 'depmod' program on your machine”这样的错误,通常意味着系统中缺少depmod程序,或者depmod没有正确安装在其预期的位置。以下是一些解决步骤: 确认depmod程序是否应存在于系统中: depmod是一个用于生成模块依赖关系表的程序,它通常与Linux内核相关...
sudo su 输入密码即可 好文要顶 关注我 收藏该文 微信分享 Mars_2030 粉丝- 4 关注- 0 +加关注 0 0 升级成为会员 « 上一篇: CentOS挂载ntfs分区的方法 » 下一篇: kali linux 使用小记 posted @ 2021-09-05 18:08 Mars_2030 阅读(360) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报 ...
Porting this dkms module to the most recent 6.6 kernel branch means that we need to remove support for kernels before 6.6 and rebuild the 6.8~6.11 (Intel's lts kernel seems to be backported based on 6.8) adaptation code. I may try that when I have time. EDIT: The i915 driver in the...
Thanks. Much appreciated that you can find some time to look at this. rolsch commented Nov 6, 2013 Same Problem here: https://github.com/liwei/rpi-rtl8188eu/issues/4 Needs to adapt create_proc_read_entry and replace it with proc_create() and proc_create_data() and the use of seq...
$ sudo /sbin/depmod $ sudo /sbin/modprobe isgx If you get an error, that means the SGX driver was not correctly installed. The easiest way to install the driver is to: Download the desired SGX driver from here: https://download.01.org/intel...
after run following commands, i did not get any error, but I still not find sgx in /dev $ sudo /sbin/depmod $ sudo /sbin/modprobe isgx I installed regular driver and DCAP driver both and all successed. I'm running on CentOS 8.2. Translate 0...
Setup is unable to find the "depmod" program on your machine. Please make sure it is installed. Do you want to specify the location of this program by hand? [yes] Use of uninitialized value $gOption{"default"} in numeric eq (==) at ./vmware-install.pl line 866. ...
今天在启动虚拟机的时候突然出现这个错误: VMware Workstation cannot connect to the virtual machine. Make sure you have rights to run the program, access all directories the program uses, and access all directories for tem... 配置内核 make menuconfig时报错 Unable to find the ncurses libraries or ...
[Vmvare Vmtools]安装vmware tools时报错:Setup is unable to find the “depmod” program on your machine. …… 问题:在安装VMTools时运行./vmware-install.pl会遇到如下错误 解决:sudo ./vmware-install.pl sudo ./vmware-install.pl然后一路回车即可。 也有人说切换root后运行也行,但是切换root后貌似也...
if test -z ""; then /sbin/depmod -a 6.8.0-40-generic; fi Workstation Player working again! After this, the VMware Workstation Player 17.5.2 UI started up (without asking for installing modules) and worked again. However a VM was unable to be started and resulted in an error...