NOTE: I've gotten the error Cannot connect to the Maven process. Try again later. If the problem persists, check the Maven Importing JDK settings and restart IntelliJ IDEA But does not say what to change to "check these settings". I checked Build, . . . | Build Tools | Ma...
VB.Net Connector-net- Unable to find dependency 'SYSTEM.RUNTIME.COMPILERSERVICES.UNSAFE' Kevin Hogan March 09, 2023 12:03PM Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed. Content reproduced on this site is the property of the respective copyright holders. It is not rev...
"Unable to find dependency 'MY_WCF_SERVICE_LIBRARY' (Signature='(null)' Version='' of Assembly 'My_WinForm_Assembly.exe'... "Unable to find dependency 'MY_WCF_SERVICE_LIBRARY' (Signature='(null)' Version='' of Assembly 'My_WCF_ServiceHost_Assembly.exe'... The solution...
求助..刚刚订阅了几个mod,其中两个都显示"unable to find dependency 'actlikeit' for mod 'xxx' ".这是缺了actlikeit这个文件吗?咋下载?
Open opened this issueDec 13, 2018· 1 comment watercolorheartscommentedDec 13, 2018 OS:Windows 7 64 bit using the Mod the Spire version: 12-06-2018 ERROR: Unable to find dependency 'stslib' for mod 'ReplayTheSpireMod'. How do I install this dependency?
Unable to resolve dependency 是一个让我头疼的问题 之前总是阴差阳错调试好 但是也没有总结出来方法 但是今天找到了 方法来源 原因就是用户的 设置了代理,将文件内的代理注释掉即可 ...
原因:主工程存在多个环境,比如生产release,测试debug,仿真pro,所依赖的module库也需要跟主工程环境数量保持一致 例如:一致都要有releasepro 环境。主工程的build.gradle: android{… buildTypes{release{//生产环境minifyEnabledtrueshrinkResourcestruezipAlignEnabledtrueproguardFilesgetDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt...
I'm still using the printer, I don't want to break what *is* working. So, how do I go about dumping this installation request. I can't find the actual package listed anywhere in the registry and all other attempts to edit the registry just end up creating more errors. (I can't ...
Error:Unable to resolve dependency for ':app@debug/compileClasspath': Could not find :library_xutils-release: 今天在导入一个lib包的时候报了这样一个错误: 查阅资料没有解决,于是参考了一下原来的app的build.gradle,发现少了几行代码: repositories {...
Unable to resolve dependency for ':app@debugAndroidTest/compileClasspath' 一般都是Build->Clen Project可以解决大部分的问题 若还是不行可以尝试File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart -> Invalidate and Restart,该方法会使缓存无效并重启Android Studio,一般重启后那些讨厌的报红就会消失了。