Info:CMSIS-DAP:SWDsupported Info:CMSIS-DAP:JTAGsupported Info:CMSIS-DAP:Atomiccommands supported Info:CMSIS-DAP:Testdomain timer supported Info:CMSIS-DAP:FWVersion=2.0.0Info:CMSIS-DAP:InterfaceInitialised(SWD)Info:SWCLK/TCK=1SWDIO/TMS=1TDI=1TDO=1nTRST=0nRESET=1Info:CMSIS-DAP:Interfaceready Info...
I created a Docker container from and the program I have created seems to build but when it tries to run the GDBServer quits unexpectedly and reports "Error: unable to find a matching CMSIS-DAP device". My initial thoughts are that the USB port...
Error: unable to open CMSIS-DAP device Error: unable to init CMSIS-DAP driver Error: Error selecting 'cmsis-dap' as transport Runtime Error: /home/fcamps/dev/kds/kinetis-design-studio_3.2.0-1_amd64/opt/Freescale/KDS_v3/eclipse/../openocd/bin/..//scripts/kinetis.cfg:3: in ...
Error: unable to open CMSIS-DAP device Error: unable to init CMSIS-DAP driver Error: Error selecting 'cmsis-dap' as transport Runtime Error: C:/Freescale/KDS_3.0.0/openocd/bin/..//scripts/kinetis.cfg:3: in procedure 'script' at file "embedded:star...