在使用 git fetch 命令之后,错误输出如下: $ git fetch Fetching originerror: cannot lock ref'refs/remotes/origin/next/release': unabletoresolve reference'refs/remotes/origin/next/release': reference broken From git***.***.com:walterlv/demo-project ! [newbranch]next/release-> origin/next/release...
Your branch is behind 'origin/main' by 4 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) Switched to branch 'main' Checked out main in repository C:\source\[redacted] git: 'credential-manager' is not a git command. See 'git --help'. The mo...
Describe the feature or problem you’d like to solve Hello i wanted to Publish my branch but this error showed up. The files are HTML site. Proposed solution I work on GitHub Desktop Additional context LOG: 2021-11-15T01:47:00.674Z - info...
I went back to FC 0.22 (Need to work on workbench) and it was uninstalled so used FC0.22 Addon Manager to Install and the AM_INSTALLATION_DIGEST is back in my local copy of the branch Last login: Sat Sep 14 08:01:25 on ttys002 cd ~/Library/"Application Support"/FreeCAD/Mod/GDML/...
$ git fetch--all--prune Fetching originerror:cannot lock ref'refs/remotes/origin/next/release':unable to resolve reference'refs/remotes/origin/next/release':reference broken From git***.***.com:walterlv/demo-project![newbranch]next/release->origin/next/release(unable to update local ref)error...
past. The region visualization for the US states returns a very low mapping confidence with the result "Unable to fetch the region polygon for this address." The other options, like stacked columns and heat maps, find the states with high confidence. I am using Excel from Micro...
Use a proxy: You can use a proxy server to fetch the content from the other domain and serve it from your own domain. This way, the content will be served from the same domain as the parent page, and the X-Frame-Options header will not apply. ...
Next, delete the reference to the origin/master remote branch on the local machine by directly removing the corresponding file from the “.git” directory. $rm-rf.git/refs/remotes/origin/master Once you removed the reference, re-run the “fetch” command as follows: ...
Gitlab Error 403: Issue accessing '...'. Unable to use Sourcetree Question: Out of the blue, an error message appeared on all my gitlab projects. Using Git command, push changes from the local repository to the remote repository on the 'master' branch of the 'origin' r...
Repo: https://dev.azure.com/sentinel-eco-devs/Sentinel-ContentAsCode/_git/sentinel-content-2 Branch: main\n Go to https://dev.azure.com and make sure sign-out on all the vsms instances.\n\n\n Create guest account and grant the permission: log into Tenant B using...