git submodule 是一个很好的多项目使用共同类库的工具,它允许类库项目做为repository,子项目做为一个单独的git项目存在父项目中,子项目可以有自己的独立的commit,push,pull。 父项目以Submodule的形式包含子项目,父项目可以指定子项目header,父项目中提交信息包含Submodule的信息,在clone父项目的时候可以把Submodule初始化...
某天commit 就遇到了On branch master nothing to commit (working directory clean) 然后git push origin master一下,漫长等待了弹出了fail:#¥%@(此处省略,我们看重点) 然后谷歌了一下,原来是ssh key有问题,连接不上服务器~~ 参阅了很... git 提交报fatal: unable to access ' ': The requested URL retur...
git push origin HEAD时 报错 fatal: unable to access '': Could not resolve host: xxxx 今天提交代码时报错 fatal: unable to access '': Could not resolve host: 网上查了下好像时因为代理的原因,但是我都没...
New packages not showing up in unstaged changes, We are working inside our own packages, and all pushing to the master branch. the problem is this: whenever we make a change inside a current …
更改分支名:如果你想将你的本地分支名更改为"main",你可以使用git branch -m master main命令来更改分支名,然后再使用git push -u origin main命令来 了解详细信息 1 (git push -u origin HEAD warning: --- SECURITY WARNING --- warning: | TLS certificate verification has...
The problem Error Message: The remote disconnected. Check your Internet connection and try again. Can you help me identify what's going on so I can push my eclipse code to GitHub? Release version Version 3.4.9 (x64) Operating system MacO...
- git push origin HEAD:master troubleshooting steps In the local repo as a project the file config contains that line with the URL, more don’t have login with this about the pipeline. Thanks for taking the time to be thorough in your request, it really helps!
然后git push origin master一下,漫长等待了弹出了fa...git遇到的问题之“Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.” 对于git的提交一直很小心翼翼,感觉一不小心就会踩到莫名的坑。 这不, 某天commit 就遇到了On branch master nothing to commit (working directory ...
Summary Currently we are not able to push a certain new local branch to our project on GitLab. We already checked...
Description After updating to 0.5.6 and 0.5.7 I'm no longer able to push my branch's commits. This works from the command line as well as the native client but no longer works in this client. I'm unsure if this was an issue with 0.5.5 bu...