当你遇到“unable to connect to broker 0”这类错误时,通常表明你的客户端无法与消息代理(Broker)建立连接。以下是一些可能的解决步骤,你可以按照这些步骤逐一排查问题: 检查网络连接是否正常: 确保你的设备可以访问互联网或局域网中的其他服务。 你可以使用ping命令来测试Broker的IP地址是否可达: bash ping <...
简介:[已解决]Unable to connect to broker 0 问题 Unable to connect to broker 0 kafkatool 工具无法查看主题 思路 在window的hosts添加上kafka服务器的ip和对应的域名 解决 成功解决!
Unable to connect to broker 0 kafka tool 工具无法查看主题 思路 在window的hosts添加上kafka服务器的ip和对应的域名 解决 成功解决!
I have broker with mqtt and ws protocol, tyring to connect from React vite App. Tried to connect to broker via mqtt protocol, its not getting connected but working with ws protocol If mqtt:// is specified in the brokerUrl, internally replacing to ws://. Does this package support to conn...
unable to connect to broker library:错误信息,表示没找到 kafka Server,请检查接收端三个服务的状态。 如果一切都调试好,执行后会出现下面状态,左边是用deepstream-test4.py执行推理计算,将信息传送到右边的接收器去进行显示:
unable to connect to broker library ERROR from sink_sub_bin_sink1: GStreamer error: state change failed and some element failed to post a proper error message with the reason for the failure. Debug info: gstbasesink.c(5265): gst_base_sink_change_state (): /GstPipeline:pipeline...
Its seems that both the consumer and the producer are unable to connect to kafka broker, even if the client is able to - the consumer failes on initial connection, and the producer on sending data. I have checked issue#1275and found no answer there. ...
【问题篇】解决Unable to connect to Redis; nested exception is io.lettuce.core.RedisConnectionException 互相学习交流 我遇到这个问题是因为,默认安装的redis是没有密码的,刚安装时就把redis挂在后台了,导致最后我修改配置文件,修改密码之后,并没有重启redis,然后我再springboot项目yml配置里面配置了密码(此刻,实际...
(0004-F0B9832B:kraarreg.cpp,1543,"LookupProxy") Unable to connect to broker at sna:#*.*.*.*: status=0, "success", ncs/KDC1_STC_OK (0005-F0B9832B:kraarreg.cpp,1785,"FindProxyUsingLocalLookup") Unable to find running CMS on ...
In reply to: glassfish_at_javadesktop.org: "Re: Unable to connect to OpenMQ embedded broker" Next in thread: glassfish_at_javadesktop.org: "Re: Unable to connect to OpenMQ embedded broker" Reply: glassfish_at_javadesktop.org: "Re: Unable to connect to OpenMQ embedded broker"Contemporary...