Could not connect to broker localhost:9092 (node_id=2): Connection error EOFError: EOFError You are trying to connect to localhost. please check your kafka is running and listening to localhost. Author xhulioxole commented Apr 2, 2020 Hi, the problem was not with localhost. I just rem...
filebeat向kafka中传输数据报WARN Failed to connect to broker DOMSDev07:9092: dial tcp: lookup DOMSDev07: getaddrinfow: No such host is known.解决方法 打开filebeat客户端所在机器C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc目录,找到hosts文件 以记事本形式打开,在底部追加 “IP 主机名” 即可...
going to the cloud! Call for testers for an early access release of a Stack Overflow extension... Linked 67 Connect to Kafka running in Docker Related 6 Kafka consumer can't connect to broker other than localhost:9092 using Spring Boot 2.2.0.M4 0 java.lang.LinkageErro...
I'm trying to connect to my Kafka Broker using SASL. I'm using the docker version 0.20.0. I can successfully connect to the broker when running kafka-topics --bootstrap-server broker:9094 --command-config --list The lokks like this: security...
zookeeper.connect=, 1. 2. 3. 启动kafka -daemon ../config/ 使用jps查看 这里要注意,如果更改过broker.id的话,需要将原来生成的data删除,否则kafka会自动关闭,错误信息可以在kafka的安装目录下logs中server.log找到 ...
Kafka broker地址。 String 是 无 格式为host:port,host:port,host:port,以英文逗号(,)分割。 properties.* 对Kafka客户端的直接配置。 String 否 无 后缀名必须是Kafka官方文档中定义的生产者和消费者配置。 Flink会将properties.前缀移除,并将剩余的配置传递给Kafka客户端。例如可以通过'
broker: 'localhost:9092', code: 'ECONNREFUSED' }, retryCount: 5, retryTime: 10304 } 在docker-compose.ymal中,KAFKA_ADVERTISED_HOST_NAME被配置为localhost或192.168.1.6(主机的本地ip地址),两者都显示与上述相同的错误。 注意:使用 ip地址显示命令输出 ...
Kafka消费者组中的消息消费模型有两种,即:推送模式(push)和拉取模式(pull)。视频讲解如下: 一、消息的推送模式 这种消息的消费模式需要记录消费者的消费者状态。当把一条消息推送给消费者后,需要维护消息的状态。如果这条消息已经被消费将会对消息进行标记。这种方式无法很好地保证消息被处理。如果要保证消息被处理,...
Performing a multi-version upgrade from AMQ Streams 1.4.0 to AMQ Streams 1.7.0 results in the Kafka broker unable to connect to Zookeeper The Cluster Operator is unable to roll the Kafka broker and the upgrade cannot complete The following error will be reported in the Cluster Operator pod lo...
@volatileprivatevarzooKeeper=newZooKeeper(connectString,sessionTimeoutMs,ZooKeeperClientWatcher) Expire事件(会话超时会产生该事件)发生时,回调该对象的process方法进行处理 在该方法中,由单独的线程负责进行重连。 具体的重连逻辑为,判断zookeeper客户端中的状态,然后关闭客户端,并重建对象以进行重连。