RAMALLAH/GAZA, Dec. 9 (Xinhua) -- The Palestinian Authority and Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) slammed on Saturday the U.S. veto on a UN Security Council (UNSC) resolution calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. The resolution failed to pass at a Security Coun...
The case of the DPRK is a unique one. It is the only country under indefinite sanctions of the Security Council. Basic mechanisms for adjusting the restrictions do not work, and there are no procedures that would allow the delisting of certain individuals. All the other sanctions regimes agains...
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At an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council on Tuesday, the United States once again vetoed a resolution calling for a cease-fire in Gaza. ▲US Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield casts a veto vot...
That brought the total number of US vetoes on Israel-related resolutions to 49 — more than half of all its vetoes since the UN's founding. The US, along with China, France, Russia and the United Kingdom, holds the privile...
视频| US vetoes UN security council resolution on Jerusalem 美国否决安理会关于耶路撒冷地位问题决议草案看看新闻Knews综合2017-12-19 21:13:32相关推荐 更多精彩内容 特朗普突然发声 “乌克兰某一天或成为俄罗斯” 00′09″ 一眼看天下 2025/02/11 营养专家建议:元宵节 汤圆这样吃才健康 01′09″ 看呀STV ...
(Reuters) -Russia on Monday vetoed a United Nations Security Council draft resolution that called on Sudan's warring parties to cease hostilities immediately and ensure the delivery of humanitarian aid. All other countries of the 15-member council, including China, voted in favor of the measure ...
【全英语】Security Council Duel: UN Insider Weekly Update 2.29.24 04:17 【全英语】Gaza Crisis: UN Insider Weekly Update 3.7.24 04:39 【全英语】Gaza and Women: UN Insider Weekly Update 3.14.24 06:00 【全英语】在联合国总部寄明信片?劝你不要: UN Insider weekly 05:55 【全英语】安理...
Russia has diplomatically shielded its ally Assad during the war, casting more than a dozen vetoes at the Security Council, on many occasions backed by China. The 15-member council has met several times a month throughout the war on Syria's political and humanitarian situations and chemica...