UNITED NATIONS, April 8 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese envoy on Monday shared China's resolute stance on the use of veto power in the UN Security Council, particularly regarding a draft resolution on March 22, emphasizing the imperative to uphold international justice. Addressing the UN General Assembly...
That brought the total number of US vetoes on Israel-related resolutions to 49 — more than half of all its vetoes since the UN's founding. The US, along with China, France, Russia and the United Kingdom, holds the privile...
The draft resolution, tabled by the United States and Japan, won the support of 13 of the 15 members of the Security Council. Russia, which has veto power, voted against it. China abstained. Before the vote, the Security Council rejected an amendment to the draft resolution proposed by Rus...
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Veto in UN Security Council is the toughest way of fighting among powers under the framework of UN system. According to different countries and different fields of problems, the author classifies ...
If we are to be honest with ourselves, all the major conflicts faced throughout the world, since the establishment of the UN, were either at the behest of these Security Council veto-wielding permanent members, or measures to intervene being blocked by the same. ...
The draft prepared by Belgium, Germany and Kuwait won the support of 12 of the 15 members of the Security Council, but was unable to be adopted because of "No" votes from Russia and China, which have veto power. The Security Council closely follows the humanitarian situation in Syria. Rega...
Security CouncilUNvetoEach of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council has the power to veto any proposed resolution, and thus to override the wishes of a majority of the other Council members who support this resolution. Whenever a permanent member casts a veto, it ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin has pushed back on his Turkish colleague’s proposal to remove the veto power of UN Security Council permanent members, saying it would turn the world body into another ‘League of Nations’. “If we remove the veto right of the permanent members, the UN would...
A resolution proposed by Russia for aid access and civilian protection in Ukraine failed to pass at the UN Security Council on Wednesday. On the same day, the UN General Assembly also convened an emergency meeting, where Ukraine proposed a draft which states that Russia's attack...