n.最后通牒赛局;最後通牒赛局 网络最后通牒游戏;最后通牒博弈;最后通牒实验 网络释义 1. 最后通牒游戏 经济危机最后通牒游戏(Ultimatum Game)赛局理论 本帖最后由 文章~MAS 於 2011-10-6 08:06 AM 编辑 如果现在有一个天上掉 … www.lalulalu.com|基于224个网页 ...
最后通牒博弈实验(Ultimatum game)高中生版 Ultimatum game 最后通牒博弈是一种由两名参与者进行的非零和博弈。在这种博弈中,一名提议者向另一名响应者提出一种分配资源的方案,如果响应者同意这一方案,则按照这种方案进行资源分配。如果不同意,则两人都会什么都得不到。按照理性人假设,只要提议者将少量资源分配给响应...
The Ultimatum Game TheUltimatum gameis a behavioral economics exchange game that is played over numerous trials.The situation places the monetary interests of two people into close association (Güth, Schmittberger, & Schwarze, 1982). In a standard Ultimatum game, there is an amount of money that...
mini-ultimatum game 迷你最后通牒博弈 玩法:两人分一笔总数固定的钱,比如100元。方法是:A提出方案,B表决。如果后者同意,则按照方案分,如果后者反对,则两人将一无所。
网络最后通牒游戏 网络释义 1. 最后通牒游戏 (二)最后通牒游戏(The Ultimatum Game) 这个游戏有一笔奖金($100)要分给两个玩家。两个人分别被指定扮演提议人(propos… www.docin.com|基于17个网页 例句
“Raising the Stakes in the Ultimatum Game: Experimental Evidence from Indonesia.” <<Raising the Stakes in the Ultimatum Game: Experimental Evidence from Indonesia». Literature Take, for example, the Ultimatum Game –one of the most famous experiments in behavioural economics. Tomemos, por ...
2024.07.21 周日【ultimatum game】户外live 【小遥Haruka-StarLight】共计4条视频,包括:Summer spit、あっぱれサマーっ!!、キミだけのワンダーランド等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
The ultimatum game is a task that allows us to test the predictions of game theoretical assumptions. In a standard ultimatum game, two players share roles as the proposer and the responder. The task is to divide a constant sum of money in a one-shot interaction. The proposer makes an offe...
UUltimatum GameMascha van ‘t Wout 1 and Johannes Leder 21 Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior,Alpert Medical School of Brown University,Providence, RI, USA2 Institute of Psychology, University of Bamberg,Bamberg, GermanySynonymsUltimatum bargaining; Ultimatum BargainingGameDefinitionThe Ultimatum ...