MobLab's Ultimatum is a sequential game that teaches backward induction, fairness, and altruism. Use it for teaching game theory, microeconomics, and more.
game theory/ ultimatum gamequestionnaire approachselfish preferenceslarge stake games/ C1290P Systems theory applications in social science and politics C1140E Game theory C1290D Systems theory applications in economics and business E0210J Statistics E0220 Economics E1540 Systems theory applications...
Dictator’s game;Game theory Definition The ultimatum game is a task that allows us to test the predictions of game theoretical assumptions. In a standard ultimatum game, two players share roles as the proposer and the responder. The task is to divide a constant sum of money in a one-shot...
Experimental Economics and Experimental Game Theory Neuroeconomics (Second Edition) Book2014,Neuroeconomics (Second Edition) DanielHouser,KevinMcCabe Explore book Ultimatum Games TheUltimatum Game, introduced byWerner Guth and colleagues (1982), is a simple, take-it-or-leave-it bargaining environment. In...
Ultimatum gameDecision makingFairnessAccording to game theory, a human subject playing the ultimatum game should choose more for oneself and offer the least amount possible for co-players (assumption of selfish rationality) (Rubinstein in J Econ Behav Organ 3(4):367鈥 388, [1]). However, ...
This theory is undermined by another study, which used a variation of the ultimatum game, the dictator game. In this version, the giver gets to keep the money, regardless of whether the receiver rejects the offer. A 1986 experiment gave subjects two choices: The giver could either split the...
One way to measure this in a laboratory setting is through use of the ultimatum game. The game consists of two players: A and B. A is given an amount of money and asked to split it. B must decide whether to accept the offer. If the offer is accepted by A they both get that spli...
The Ultimatum Game is a famous asymmetric, sequential two-player game intensely studied in Game Theory. Game Theory has become a large and powerful theoretical framework, where entities such as countries1, companies1, people1,2,3,4,5, animals1, 5, plants6 and living cells7 down to molecules...
Several factors should be considered in situating the results of the present study in the larger context of game theory. It should be noted that our sample size was small compared to many studies of economic games. This is because altruistic kidney donation is an extremely rare phenomenon, with...