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–> time I got out the English Flag was when I heard Tony Blair speech. These –> two people have guts and I would stand back of them in any fight. Here in –> the USA we have a lot of worms also which don’t want to fight. All I can –> say where is the English Knights...
This was enough for Network Associates' VirusScan to flag the anti-virus tool as being a possible new variant of the Win32/Qaz worm. In this case, however, both companies fixed the problem in their next product releases: AntiVir encrypted the text strings and Network Associates extended the ...
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Export animated GIF in a range: Select a range of slides when exporting to animated GIF Create GIFs with Transparent Backgrounds: When exporting to an Animated GIF, a new option will allow you to make the background transparent. Government customers: Apply sensitivity labels to your documents ...