to replicate an existing configuration runffmpeg -hide_banner -buildconfand copy-paste the options (I maintain a conf file and source that) ./configurewill flag up any missing library packages runmake ECFLAGS=-Wno-declaration-after-statement, it takes a while the C99 code mixes declarations and...
Watch penguins having sex (animated GIF). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date 20030210 Time 09:32 Patriot to appear in court for disturbing the peace. His 12-by-18-foot flag is hoisted atop a 50-foot pole and ...
Export animated GIF in a range: Select a range of slides when exporting to animated GIF Create GIFs with Transparent Backgrounds: When exporting to an Animated GIF, a new option will allow you to make the background transparent. Government customers: Apply sensitivity labels to your documents ...
In Windows 7, WIC has extended its metadata support for JPEG, PNG, and GIF images.Added support for animated GIF and GIF properties. Expanded JPG metadata handlers to support chrominance, luminance, and comment metadata. Expanded PNG metadata handlers to support tIME, sRGB, iCCP, hIST, cHRM, ...