Immigration and the UK Economy after BrexitI review trends in migration to the UK since the Brexit referendum, examining first the sharp fall in net migration from the EU that resulted, and then the receSocial Science Electronic Publishing
The future of the UK economy is also not under a cloud, according to Sked. Some experts had predicted the UK economy would fall into recession after a vote for Brexit, but that has not happened.GDPgrowth was 0.3 percent quarter on quarter in Q2 this year, below trend and sluggish but n...
economy after Brexit. Party leader Jeremy Corbyn is calling instead for the U.K. to have "full access" to the single market. Critics say that is vague, and EU leaders have repeatedly said Britain can't have the benefits of membership without the responsibilities. More wran...
LONDON, June 5 (Xinhua) -- The UK service sector has expanded at a three-month high in May but still failed to cushion the sharp slowdown in manufacturing and construction due to Brexit uncertainties, indicating an economy close to stagnation, a report said on Wednesday. The IHS Markit/CIPS...
The government said that leaving without a deal would result in the UK economy being 7.7% smaller 15 years after Brexit. That’s compared to current trading arrangements, and assumes no change in immigration. The damage would be even greater if net migration from the European Union dropped to...
bureaucratic overload has echoes of another time and place — Soviet Russia. “Brexit means Brexit is a very interesting expression,” says the Russian ambassador, referring to Prime Minister Theresa May’s mantra on exit. “It reminds me of Leonid Brezhnev saying, ‘the economy should be ...
Although the full impact of Brexit is not yet clear, its short-term impact on the economy is gradually emerging. And although many expect the UK to become more dynamic after leaving the EU, we still have to wait to see what Brexit will actually mean for the UK, its economy and its peo...
Pending the invocation of Article 50, and with the UK economy posting stronger-than-expected GDP growth in Q3, an alarming underestimation of the negative long-term consequences of Brexit seems to have gradually superseded the bout of initial pessimism seen immediately after June’s vote. Some ...
Treasury Chief: UK May Need 3-Year Transition After Brexit More The Associated Press Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond, right, meets staff as he tours the IBM office on South Bank, London, as the preliminary estimates for 2017 Q2 GDP are published, Wednesday July ...
O'Neill cited his own industry of finance and the successful industry of auto assembly as areas where the economy could suffer after Brexit because there could be greater friction and costs to both trade and imports, which would eat into businesses' profit margins. ...