The original 2018 academic research was jointly commissioned by the UK and Canada to consider how to design a trade agreement between the two countries post-Brexit. As of April 1, 2021 and as predicted by our original 2018 work, an agreement, called the Canada-United Kingdom Trade Continuity...
LONDON, Sept. 5 (Xinhua) -- The founder of Britain's leading Brexit political party has welcomed Brexit and sees no economic harm if the UK continues the process. "The economy has done fine since Brexit, we get more foreign investment than any country in Europe, much more thanFranceorGerm...
New Year's Day newspapers reflected the historic but still deeply divisive change, which will have repercussions for generations to come. The front-page photograph on the pro-Brexit Daily Express showed the White Cliffs of Dover – an enduring symbol of Britishness – with "Freedom" written on ...
The UK economy is likely to suffer for a decade after leaving the EU under the most probable post-Brexit trade scenarios, according to a new study from the RAND Corporation, made available to before publication. Of all the scenarios analysed, only one replicated or even bettered ...
35). However, it would be very misleading to apply this value to the UK, post Brexit. The Conformité Européenne rules have already been met by existing UK exporters to the EU and this will still be the case immediately after Brexit. The UK government is planning to incorporate a ...
Britain has just six weeks to finish negotiating a post-Brexit deal with Japan if it wants an agreement ratified this year, Tokyo's chief negotiator has warned in an interview. Speaking to the Financial Times, Hiroshi Matsuura said the short timeline would mean both sides have...
As Britain's first post-Brexit budget, it is followed closely by leaders of industry, financiers, economists as well as the public. Britain's main business organization, the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) has already made its contribution to the budget process. ...
This paper discusses the prospects for UK's trade post Brexit. It argues that halfway house arrangements such as continued membership of the customs union or the European Economic Area (EEA) are not workable alternatives to full membership of the EU. The UK may have no other alternative to ...
The U.K. and Switzerland on Thursday signed a post-Brexit financial services deal designed to bring two of Europe's largest banking centers closer together.
report. The report said under a Canada-style deal, the UK would be 4.9 percent worse off than remaining in the EU while the most favorable Brexit outcome was seen if Britain had frictionless trade and kept free movement of people, which would see the economy suffer just a 1.4 percent hit...