This paper is a work-in-progress report that describes several phases in the assessment process that were implemented at Language Development Center of UIN Suska Riau. This paper explores the key concepts for planning an assessment that is useful, valid, reliable, practical, and authentic. The ...
The research was conducted at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim (UIN Suska) in Riau. The objectives of this research were: 1) to determine how online learning policies were implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic; ...
Curriculum Standards Development of the Implemented CBI Model in the Context of UIN Suska RiauKalayo Hasibuan
doi:10.23917/ijolae.v6i1.23185Ritonga, Pangoloan SolemanYasthophi, ArifRambe, PaijanNursiwan, Wimbi ApriwandaAmin, SahrulNurhidayatElhawwa, TazkiyatunnafsIndonesian Journal on Learning & Advanced Education (IJOLAE)