酒店政策 入离时间 入住时间: 14:00后 退房时间: 12:00前 宠物 不可携带宠物 预订提示 订单需等酒店或供应商确认后生效,订单确认结果以平台短信、邮件或app通知为准。 支付方式 收起 酒店简介 酒店电话: +62-761-861577地图 + − 500 米 放大 廖内UIN苏斯卡回教酒店(Hotel Syariah Uin Suska Riau) Nasi...
This application also provides information Uin Suska location of the position using google maps. 此应用程序是一个原型应用,国立伊斯兰大学苏丹SYARIF脱廖内(Riau)。 此应用程序提供的信息UIN Suska。此应用程序还提供了信息UIN Suska位置使用谷歌地图的位置。 Uin Suska Riau更新内容 The First Version 更多 ...
Curriculum Standards Development of the Implemented CBI Model in the Context of UIN Suska RiauKalayo Hasibuan
This study aims to develop a workbook based constructivism valid, practical and effective on Linear Program lectures in the Department of Mathematics Education and teacher Training Faculty Tarbiyah UIN Riau Suska. This research method using Research Development Approach (Research Development). The study ...
The research was conducted at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim (UIN Suska) in Riau. The objectives of this research were: 1) to determine how online learning policies were implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic; ...
doi:10.23917/ijolae.v6i1.23185Ritonga, Pangoloan SolemanYasthophi, ArifRambe, PaijanNursiwan, Wimbi ApriwandaAmin, SahrulNurhidayatElhawwa, TazkiyatunnafsIndonesian Journal on Learning & Advanced Education (IJOLAE)