Players who make use of the UI Cheats Extension mod by Weerbesu will have significant control over various aspects of The Sims 4.
The Sims 4, made by Electronic Arts, is a popular game made better by using cheat codes. The UI Cheats Extension Mod for The Sims 4 streamlines the use of cheats within the game by doing away with the need to open the console and type different commands to apply cheats. When using th...
模拟人生4 1.70版本可用UI作弊扩展插件 作者:外网作者 版本: 1.22 游戏:模拟人生4 授权:未经...
【常用功能mod】MC控制中心+UI作弊模块 作者:绝心 版本: 1.0 游戏:模拟人生4 下载 授权:本Mod由...
简介:注意看右下角!!!拥有作弊器之后 小人儿需求就不会频繁啦~;已有64名模拟人生4玩家向您推荐本视频,点击前往哔哩哔哩bilibili一起观看;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 51
#1 November 2023 Options ilovewarriorcat ★★★ Newbie I haven't opened my Sims game in a few months, and I come back to this. I do have the UI Cheats Extension mod - but my mods folder has straight up disappeared. However, all my mods are still 'there' in game, they come up...
SIMS必备模组系列:(1.85已更新) 游客, 本帖部分内容(如下载地址)需回复可见,请先【回复】,方可查看;亦可【充值VIP】享受免回复特权 以下是有些人可能不需要但是1.84更新了的模组 (突然意识到s4s好像不算模组就挪了一下x) 4.Sims 4 Studio(2.24 婚礼奇缘更新后CAS会报错) 2.27终于更新啦!!! https://sims...
Sims4功能MOD小礼包 (陆续给大家兼容至1.107版本): 大家一定要理性添加 不然添加太多会出现Bug,卡顿,报错,以及Mod之间的冲突 所有功能Mod如果出现无法读取的情况(包括游戏里不显示) 请第一时间放置‘读取MOD工具’ 部分Mod我添加了“游戏玩法” 这个需要安装Mod之前必须看 因为部分Mod需要连同一些Mod一起使用 ...
#1 November 2023 Options ilovewarriorcat ★★★ Newbie I haven't opened my Sims game in a few months, and I come back to this. I do have the UI Cheats Extension mod - but my mods folder has straight up disappeared. However, all my mods are still 'there' in game, they come up...