《模拟人生4》UI作弊拓展(适用游戏版本1.60) 2020-01-31 12:29:24 《模拟人生4》UI Cheats Extension UI作弊扩展1.14.2对应游戏1.54.120 2019-08-21 20:37:29 《模拟人生4》模拟人生4v1.54.120模拟滞后修复 2019-08-20 10:00:08 《模拟人生4》WhiteStudio CasBackground BC06 背景 ...
The Sims 4 UI extension enables you to add cheat codes via directly clicking on the UI, without typing them manually. The Sims 4 UI mod is essential for every sims player if your goal is to play the game via Cheat codes. It makes the job a lot easier. → Visit: Sims 4 UI Mod Th...
If you only grab one mod, make it this one. The big blessing that we all need: MCCC also adds an auto-save function to The Sims 4 and you can customize the save interval in its settings. UI Cheats Extension (Image credit: Electronic Arts, modded by Weerbesu) Download from: Weerbe...
Red Orange Mode UI –Mar. 9 FDSims4Mods – MTS/CF Give me some talent – Mar. 23, updated for new pack They’re so random! – Mar. 13 (most recent file date), Mar. 23 (uploaded), updated for new pack FinJingSims – FinJing Ingredient Starter Kit (S) – F...
模擬市民4 – 實用好玩的6款模組介紹與安裝說明 模組(1): MC Command Center (最強功能模組) 安裝說明: 模組(2): UI Cheats Extension (最頻繁使用的模組) 安裝說明: 模組(3): Road To Fame 成名之路 (明星偶像模組) 安裝說明: 模組(4): Reality Show (實境秀模組) ...
1.MOD读取工具 2.去CAS脚下圈圈 3.捏人界面静止不动 4.食物不腐败(二选一) 5.XML注入器 6.CAS打光 7.UI界面颜色-蓝色 8.UI界面颜色-中世纪 9.UI界面颜色-紫色 10.UI界面颜色-深色 11.UI界面颜色-粉色 12.Zerbu的场地变更 13.Basemental的场地列表 ...
UI Cheats Extension If you want to make the cheats a regular part of the user interface, you have got to type a code and get thousands of simoleons simply by clicking the household’s total money at the bottom left corner. For instance, you can alter how much the Sims like each other...
"section.UIzFSR.title":"Forum Discussion","section.zEhglU.description":"","section.UIzFSR.description":"","section.aoempM.title":"Forum Discussion","section.mMklEX.description":"","section.TEsDrb.description":"","section.KnUPpl.description":"","section.EUAFHt.title":"Forum Discussion","...
【M4-附汉化1.105】2024年更新:Lumpinou里程碑作弊+补丁! 一直在等UI Cheats Extension的作者完善新出的里程碑作弊,结果等到了Lu... 2023-04-25 00:55:24 来自:豆瓣小组 【啊秋原创】教育系统大修(更真实的教育系统) 本来是要五一节再发的,当是节日献礼了。但是提前和朋友约好了要出去玩... ...
TheSims 4Wonder Child Challenge tasks you with starting out with a pair of adult Sims, having a child, and making that child as skilled and fulfilled as humanly possible before they reach young adulthood. Getting Started In CAS, start a new family. You must create two sims, gender does no...