UE500014--SwitchOnInt结点 05:58 UE500015--SwitchOnString结点 04:42 UE500016--?IsValid 04:38 UE500017--ForEachLoop遍历数组 07:17 UE500018--Get(a copy)读取数组元素 01:56 UE500019--Get(a ref)读取数组元素 01:50 UE500020--SetArrayElem设置数组元素 01:02 UE500021--枚举(en...
14.字符串,文本和名称(String,Text and Name) 15.字符串运算符(String Operators) 16.数学运算符(Math Operators) 17.条件变量(Conditionals) 18.获取与设置(Get and Set) 19.公共变量和私有变量(Public and Private Variables) 20.可编辑变量(Editable Variable) 21.在生成时公开(Expose On Spawn) 三.数组(A...
1. 修改HUD的蓝图,在SwitchOnName中加入pin,命名为调用函数的名称 这样就完成了js传数据给UE4,那就能实现调用UE4的函数方法了。 2.2 UE4调用js函数 首先在js里定义一个函数,如下所示,setFPS为函数方法的名称 ue.interface.setFPS = function(fps) { // set element text $("#fpsMeter").text(fps.toFixed(1...
public class PrivacyActivity extends Activity implements DialogInterface.OnClickListener { private String packageName; private PackageManager pm; boolean useLocalHtml = true; String privacyUrl = "https://space.bilibili.com/3587465"; final String htmlStr = "欢迎使用本游戏,在使用本游戏前,请您充分阅读...
save = save + SAVE_SPLITTER + to_string(GetLevel()); //StreamingSnake()->string, 蛇所占的格子, 蛇头位置与方向 //表示方式: 从蛇头开始到蛇尾方向,记录每个部位所在的网格. save = save + SAVE_SPLITTER + StreamingSnake(); //StreamingAppleList()->string, 苹果所在格子 ...
const string SAVE_SPLITTER = "||" //获取序列化好的存档 string SerializeSaveData() { auto save = SAVE_HEADER + SAVE_SPLITTER; //GetScore()->number, 玩家分数 save = save + SAVE_SPLITTER + to_string(GetScore()); //GetLevel()->string,...
Switch to Update 8 beta ( addbranch="experimental"to common.cfg config file) Install or upgrade the server Start the server with./sfserver start Workaround for now: Swapexecutablevariable in config (_default.cfg or common.cfg when copied over) ...
右键点击你的UE4工程文件MyProject.uproject -》Switch Unreal Engine version,选择刚刚编译出来的UE4,切换版本以后,再右击*.uproject并选择:Generate Visual Studio project files,最后启动VS,启动VS之后再选择一种build类型来编译工程并启动,这里测试用的是development editor类型。
Here, it's actually a visual programming language. It's very visual and you can see here, you can print a string, and you can create events like Begin Play. What happens when you begin playing the game, and should print a string, and so on. It's very visual and you can cr...
1.tick 2.moving on ground 3.or 4.and 5.great less 6.sequence 序列化 7.do once 落地触发 1.事件着陆时 2.switch int(切换整形) 3.random int(随机整数),random float range (范围内随机浮点数) 4.播放音效2d 5.新建音乐,重载衰减,设置 6.蓝图设置音量,设置音高等。