// 使用函数库,将角色移动到目标位置 UAIBlueprintHelperLibrary::SimpleMoveToLocation(this, CachedDestination); //使用Niagara生成生成粒子特效 UNiagaraFunctionLibrary::SpawnSystemAtLocation(this, FXCursor, CachedDestination, FRotator::ZeroRotator, FVector(1.f, 1.f, 1.f), true, true, ENCPoolMethod::...
UGameplayStatics::PlaySoundAtLocation(this, ImpactSound, GetActorLocation(), FRotator::ZeroRotator); //播放粒子特效 UNiagaraFunctionLibrary::SpawnSystemAtLocation(this, ImpactEffect, GetActorLocation()); } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 接下来增加一个变量,用于判断当前火球是否和其它物体产生了碰撞, ...
变身机器人逻辑BP_StageCharacter-Event Activate Item Visual-Spawn System at Location-Sytem Template=NS_PlasmaEnergyBall 聊天 逻辑BP_StageCharacter-Chat 留言板 逻辑BP_StageCharacter-Message UI资源是MetaDJ/Pawns/Character/UI/UMG_MainUI-UMG_HUD-UMG_Chat/UMG_Message UI资源初始化Event Possessed-Create UMG...
(场景模板的使用) 07:04 System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(用指定exe打开某文件,记事本打开txt文件,winrar打开压缩包文件) 05:24 Application.OpenURL(弹出网站或打开文件) 05:01 Animator.play(角色动画播放) 05:36 animation(动画编辑器)包含序列帧动画设置 10:31 Animator.speed(角色动画暂停恢复快慢放) 03:...
40 113.Spawn FireBolt from Event 05:51 114.Custom Ability Tasks 20:19 115.Target Data 06:11 116.Send Mouse Cursor Data 13:44 117.Receiving Target Data 16:12 118.Prediction in GAS 10:55 119.Orienting the Projectile 16:56 120.Motion Warping 15:18 121.Projectile Impact 16:06 122....
Conversely, all variables that are not safe to change or should not be exposed to designers should not be marked as editable, unless for engineering reasons the variable must be marked as Expose On Spawn.Do not arbitrarily mark variables as Editable....
public:ATopDownProjectPlayerController();/** 定义一个时间是长按还是点击 */UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere,BlueprintReadOnly,Category=Input)floatShortPressThreshold;/** 点击地面生成的箭头特效 */UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere,BlueprintReadOnly,Category=Input)UNiagaraSystem*FXCursor;/** MappingContext */UPROPERTY(EditAnyw...
If it is a new detection, spawn an avatar. If it is an already tracked skeleton, find the avatar in question in theAvatarsactor map. Set Animation Blueprint’sBody DataandSkeletal Meshvariables (seeAnimNode_ZEDPose.cppbelow.) BP_ZED_Manny & ABP_ZED_Manny# ...
All Editable variables, including those marked editable just so they can be marked as Expose On Spawn, should have a description in their Tooltip fields that explains how changing this value affects the behavior of the blueprint. Slider And Value RangesAll Editable variables should make ...