场景中需要放置一个MassSpawner用来生成所有的交通路口Entity,并且需要在MassSpawner的SpawnDataGenerators中需要配置UMassTrafficIntersectionSpawnDataGenerator。 ZoneGraph 路网,包括人行道、机动车道。一个AZoneShape对应一个Zone。FZoneGraphBuilder负责将场景中的AZoneShape转换成数据存储到FZoneGraphStorage。具体构建代码详见:...
Owner->GetActorEyesViewPoint(StartLocation, EyeRotation); //我没有用Gideon的模型,我的模型是一个正方体,所以我直接从正方体中心出发 StartLocation = Owner->GetActorLocation(); EndLocation = StartLocation + (EyeRotation.Vector()*100.0f); //LineTraceSingleByObjectType函数返回一个bool值,表示是否检测...
Conversely, all variables that are not safe to change or should not be exposed to designers should not be marked as editable, unless for engineering reasons the variable must be marked as Expose On Spawn.Do not arbitrarily mark variables as Editable....
spawn")); return 1; } double StartTime = FDateTime::Now().GetTimeOfDay().GetTotalMilliseconds(); while (AllowReadCapture) { double EndTime = FDateTime::Now().GetTimeOfDay().GetTotalMilliseconds(); if (EndTime - StartTime > 1000) { ReadActor->ReadFrame(); StartTime = FDateTime::Now(...
Nope, it took so long because it used less threads in the beginning, at least with Radeon driver (some games spawn more compiler threads with Nvidia, yes). And compiling stuff on Windows usually is less sensitive than compiling on Linux, so it still doesn't mean much when a CPU can pas...
Fixed bug at Vehicle.get_traffic_light_state() and Vehicle.is_at_traffic_light() causing vehicles to temporarily not lose the information of a traffic light if they moved away from it before it turned green. Changed the height of the automatic spawn points, from 3m to only 0.5m Added ped...
SpawnMissingZoneGraphData 会保障每一个包含 ZoneShape 的关卡都有对应的 ZoneGraphData,缺少的话会自动创建 接下来实际的构建工作由 FZoneGraphBuilder::BuildAll 函数完成。 voidFZoneGraphBuilder::BuildAll(constTArray<AZoneGraphData*>&AllZoneGraphData,constboolbForceRebuild){BuildData.Reset();bSkipHashCheck=...
Transitioning from one room to another was facilitated through trigger points that initiate another level and spawn the player at a preset location. Although there may be simpler methods of achieving this, our experience with Unreal Engine was limited. As of now, Volinga lacks compatibility with ...
//~End of UPrimaryDataAsset interface public: // List of Game Feature Plugins this experience wants to have active UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category = Gameplay) TArray<FString> GameFeaturesToEnable; /** The default pawn class to spawn for players */ ...
Conversely, all variables that are not safe to change or should not be exposed to designers should not be marked as editable, unless for engineering reasons the variable must be marked as Expose On Spawn.Do not arbitrarily mark variables as Editable....