目录 收起 一、array 用法: 二、Map 用法: 三、Set 用法: 一、array Array:数组是一个内存空间连续,可以存储多个相同类型的有序的元序列集合。 每一个索引值对应一个Value值,比如0号索引值对应A,值可以是任意类型的变量 用法: 节点 描述 Add 取入一个数组和一个变量。它将该变量插入到数组的尾部,并...
LyraHUD-父类AHUD(c++目录UI)-父类AActor voidALyraHUD::GetDebugActorList(TArray<AActor*>&InOutList){UWorld*World=GetWorld();Super::GetDebugActorList(InOutList);// Add all actors with an ability system component.for(TObjectIterator<UAbilitySystemComponent>It;It;++It){if(UAbilitySystemCompo...
addr->SetPort(port); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 连接服务器 bool connected = Socket->Connect(*addr); 1. 如果返回True说明连接服务器成功. 发送消息 FString serialized = TEXT("loadPlayer|1"); TCHAR *serializedChar = serialized.GetCharArray().GetData(); int32 size = FCString::St...
For example, an artist may be iterating on a modular set of static meshes and still working on getting their sizing and grid snapping correct. If a world builder sees these assets in the main project folder, they might use them all over a level not knowing they could be subject to ...
};// Lumen图元classFLumenPrimitive{public:// 世界空间包围盒.FBox WorldSpaceBoundingBox;// 属于此图元的FLumenMeshCards的最大包围盒, 用于早期剔除.floatMaxCardExtent;// 图元实例列表.TArray<FLumenPrimitiveInstance, TInlineAllocator<1>> Instances;// 对应的真实场景的图元信息.FPrimitiveSceneInfo* Primitive...
For example, an artist may be iterating on a modular set of static meshes and still working on getting their sizing and grid snapping correct. If a world builder sees these assets in the main project folder, they might use them all over a level not knowing they could be subject to ...
最好通过AkComponent去进行SetRTPCValue。 音量控制可做成一个主音量的母线,音乐音量,音效音量,语音音量的三个子线。同时也根据项目需求来自行选择 2.Switch Switch的功能是做几首音乐的切换,例如:地板材质检测,做脚步声的切换。Switch和State与RTPC略微不同,她们有一个GroupName 和ValueName, 先是一个Group组的命名...
)); TArray<FValue> GlobalShaderMapBuffers; GlobalShaderMapBuffers.SetNum(Requests.Num()); { //将请求结果填充到GlobalShaderMapBuffers中 ... } BufferIndex = 0; for (const auto& ShaderFilenameDependencies : ShaderMapId.GetShaderFilenameToDependeciesMap()) { COOK_STAT(auto Timer = Global...
Exemplo: Use `Targets`, `Hats`, e `EnemyPlayers`, **não use** `TargetList`, `HatArray`, `EnemyPlayerArray`. ### 3.2.2 Variáveis EditáveisTodas as variáveis que são seguras para alterar o valor de para configurar o comportamento de um blueprint devem ser marcadas como...