可参考。 hit_result:unreal.HitResult = unreal.SystemLibrary.line_trace_single( world, ray_start, ray_end, unreal.TraceTypeQuery.TRACE_TYPE_QUERY1, False, [], unreal.DrawDebugTrace.NONE, True ) if hit_result: ground_location = hit_result.to_tuple()[4] 4.5.5. 视口同步 视口同步逻辑为,...
DrawDebugPeriod(); } }); } 总结 四种周期模式 周期切换的时候会等待交叉口内所有的车辆和行人行驶出去。如果当前周期所开放的车道人行道没人没车会加速切换周期。 两岔路口:周期一车子通行,周期二路人通行 标准十字路口:每个路口四个周期,共16个周期。每个路口的四个周期: 1.机动车道 - 双向直线通行, 当...
77 - C Actor Component 04:37 78 - Pointer Types & GetOwner 08:45 79-DER~1 07:32 80 - Linkers Headers and Includes 07:52 81 - FMathVInterpConstantTo 13:06 82 - Scene Components 09:20 83 - Line Tracing & Sweeping 06:32 84 - GetWorld 08:13 85 - DrawDebugLine 08:16 86 - Re...
77 - C Actor Component 04:37 78 - Pointer Types & GetOwner 08:45 79-DER~1 07:32 80 - Linkers Headers and Includes 07:52 81 - FMathVInterpConstantTo 13:06 82 - Scene Components 09:20 83 - Line Tracing & Sweeping 06:32 84 - GetWorld 08:13 85 - DrawDebugLine 08:16 86 - Re...
DrawDebugLine(GetWorld(), StartLocation, EndLocation, FColor::Blue, false, 5.f); DrawDebugPoint(GetWorld(), HitResult.ImpactPoint, 10.f, FColor::Red, false, 5.f); } } ``` 以上是LineTraceMultiByProfile的基本用法,具体可以根据实际需求进行调整。你可以根据自己的需要,指定不同的追踪参数和...
/*必须在HUD类的DrawHUD()函数中调用DrawItem()函数,或在以DrawHUD()开始的函数链中调用*/ 1. 2. > **调试信息** > > ### **打印到视口** FString可被打印到 视口 和 输出日志,以便进行调试 使用UEngine::AddOnScreenDebugMessage()将调试信息打印到视口。 /**...
Engine SharedPCH - 'C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.3\Engine\Source\Runtime\Experimental\Chaos\Public\Chaos\ChaosDebugDrawDeclares.h' is not exporting types so we are ignoring the dependency Engine SharedPCH - 'C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.3\Engine\Source\Runtime\Experimental\Chaos\Publi...
Fixed collision issues when debug.draw_line() is called Fixed gyroscope sensor to properly give angular velocity readings in the local frame Fixed minor typo in the introduction section of the documentation Fixed a bug at the local planner when changing the route, causing it to maintain the firs...
CustomProperties Pin (PinId=C00B93904E5B083D89A647B77DE1231B,PinName="DrawDebugType",PinToolTip="Draw Debug Type\nEDrawDebugTrace枚举值",PinType.PinCategory="byte",PinType.PinSubCategory="",PinType.PinSubCategoryObject=/Script/CoreUObject.Enum'"/Script/Engine.EDrawDebugTrace"',PinType.PinSub...
要阻止虚幻引擎在生成视频文件后删除这种文本文件,你需要在MRQ的“调试选项(Debug Options)”设置中启用 “编写所有采样(Write All Samples)”。 这样你就可以用命令提示符排除故障,也更容易看到问题的全貌,错误本身也不会被其他渲染输出掩盖。 缩放示例