Time); } void AMyActor::ConvertIntToFloat() { int myInt = 42; // 示例整数 float myFloat = static_cast<float>(myInt); // 将整数转换为浮点数 // 在这里可以添加代码来验证转换结果,例如打印到日志中 UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Integer: %d, Float: %f"), myInt, myFloat); ...
FText TestHUDText = NSLOCTEXT("Your Namespace", "Your Key", "Your Text"); 1. 也可以使用以下任意一个语法创建空白的FText: FText TestHUDText = FText::GetEmpty(); FText TestHUDText = FText(); 1. 2. FText转FString TestHUDString = TestHUDText.ToString(); // FText -> FString 不...
return "savedata"..to_string(idx); } //存档至编号X void SaveGame(int idx) { auto save = SerializeSaveData(); auto fileName = GetSaveDataName(idx); auto f = fopen(fileName.c_str(), "w+"); fprintf(f, "%s", save);
Use Combined Namespace Id: If you have specified a namespace for your source strings, it will be combined with the key before being sent to Gridly, in the form of Namespace,Key. Likewise, it will expect the record ID fetched from Gridly to be in this form and convert it during import...
FIntPoint size{1920,1080};floatfactor =2.0; UWorld*InWorld =GWorld; UCaptureRenderTarget*CaptureRTT = NewObject<UCaptureRenderTarget>(GWorld); CaptureRTT->AddToRoot(); CaptureRTT->OnCaptureCompleted().AddLambda([&](UCaptureRenderTarget *c) ...
private:// 从构建数据增加FLumenMeshCards.int32AddMeshCardsFromBuildData(constFMatrix& LocalToWorld,constFMeshCardsBuildData& MeshCardsBuildData,floatResolutionScale); }; 由此可知,FLumenSceneData存储着FLumenMeshCards以及以FLumenMeshCards为基础的图元FLumenPrimitive和图元实例FLumenPrimitiveInstance。每个FLumenPrim...
XHTMLConverter.getInstance().convert(document, out, options); log.info("html转换器 success"); //处理生成的html,字符串形式给前端 return readHtmlStr(fileOutName); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("docxToHtmlText 解析异常", e); }
Use Combined Namespace Id: If you have specified a namespace for your source strings, it will be combined with the key before being sent to Gridly, in the form of Namespace,Key. Likewise, it will expect the record ID fetched from Gridly to be in this form and convert it during import...