从磁盘加载:打开新地图时,加载地图,然后从磁盘加载;像世界添加一个Actor时,也是从磁盘加载; SpawnActor方法:调用不同模板方式的SpawnActor方法; SpawnActorDeferred:延迟创建Actor,可以有机会传参,初始化。 先分析用SpawnActor方式生成Actor,其生命周期源码。 首先进入UWorld的SpawnActor函数,这个函数中,首先进行一些生成...
断点看DeferredActor->SetActorEnableCollision(false);对FinishSpawningActor的影响,看到if 返回false但是执行了if里的语句,vs模式是debugGameEditor if(World->FindTeleportSpot(this,AdjustedLocation,AdjustedRotation)){SetActorLocationAndRotation(AdjustedLocation,AdjustedRotation,false,nullptr,ETeleportType::TeleportPhysi...
002 Spawning Actors_cn 07:39 003 Spawning Actors from C++_cn 23:00 004 Different Types of Treasure_cn 29:28 005 Different Types of Breakables_cn 28:07 006 Niagara Effects_cn 18:43 007 Niagara Components_cn 10:38 008 Section 15 Challenge_cn 00:57 001 Actor Components_cn 14:55 002 Wi...
002 Spawning Actors_cn 07:39 003 Spawning Actors from C++_cn 23:00 004 Different Types of Treasure_cn 29:28 005 Different Types of Breakables_cn 28:07 006 Niagara Effects_cn 18:43 007 Niagara Components_cn 10:38 008 Section 15 Challenge_cn 00:57 001 Actor Components_cn 14:55 002 Wi...
Disabled texture streaming to avoid issue of textures not loading in scene captures Adjusted scene capture camera gamma to 2.4 Fixed leaking objects in simulation when despawning a vehicle. Now Pawn's controller is destroyed too if necessary when destroying an Actor Fixed overflow on platform time-...
who revealed their new ensemble adventureMarvel 1943: Rise of Hydra. Skydance showed off the latest 5.4 features and MetaHuman technology with a real-time cinematic and tools demonstration, showcasing how they turned powerful actor performances into compelling animated ch...
UGameplayStatics::FinishSpawningActor(DeferredActor, SpawnTransform); 名字跟随人物移动,名字的值设置 移动 名字控件挂在CapsuleComponent下-人物移动控制CapsuleComponent移动。 名字 发送AvatarBase::onUpdatePropertys-Avatar::onNameChanged-KBENGINE_EVENT_FIRE("set_name", pEventData); ...
核心的生成工作由 AMassSpawner::DoSpawning 函数完成。在函数中遍历 SpawnDataGenerators,通过配置的 MassEntity 创建总数和比例参数计算每个 UMassEntitySpawnDataGeneratorBase 需要创建的 MassEntity 个数,并调用 Generate 函数获取生成位置的点云。 void AMassSpawner::DoSpawning() { // no spawn point generators ...
002 Spawning Actors_cn 07:39 003 Spawning Actors from C++_cn 23:00 004 Different Types of Treasure_cn 29:28 005 Different Types of Breakables_cn 28:07 006 Niagara Effects_cn 18:43 007 Niagara Components_cn 10:38 008 Section 15 Challenge_cn 00:57 001 Actor Components_cn 14:55 002 Wi...