在日常UE蓝图开发过程中,常常需要使用 Print String节点在屏幕上打印log信息,以方面我们调试程序,但是有时候我们打印的信息太多,而发布时需要清除所有打印信息 就是一件非常麻烦的事情,幸好UE4已经为我们提供了非常好用的方式来禁用启动屏幕打印 启动屏幕打印 ENABLEALLSCREENMESSAGES 禁用屏幕打印 DISABLEALLSCREENMESSAGES ...
r.DebugViewMode:开启场景渲染Debug模式,可以设置为不同的值来查看不同的调试信息,如光照、阴影 DisableAllScreenMessages/EnableAllScreenMessages:关闭/打开屏幕打印信息。 调试并输出 ke * rendertextures:高分辨率截图。 HighResShot:以当前 viewport 分辨率的倍数进行截图(倍数)。 HighResShot 1920x1080:指定分辨率截...
Stat Engine:查看静态网格和骨骼网格的三角面数量,有助于诊断图形负载问题。Stat Game:提供全面的游戏性能统计,对于诊断性能瓶颈很有帮助。EnableAllScreenMessages:启用屏幕消息,允许你实时查看控制台输出。DisableAllScreenMessages:关闭屏幕消息,减少不必要的输出干扰。r.SetNearClipPlane:调整近裁剪平面...
cmd.ConsoleCommand('DisableAllScreenMessages');//DisableAllScreenMessages/EnableAllScreenMessages 关闭/打开屏幕打印信息息 cmd.ConsoleCommand('r.ScreenPercentage 50');//0-200 这个代码是缩小渲染分辨率的。可以提升帧率。 cmd.ConsoleCommand('r.DistanceFieldAO 1');//距离场 0 关 1 开 cmd.ConsoleCommand...
show all actors (H)show only selected (Shift + I)个人可以根据自己的使用习惯设置相应快捷键,或者...
This widget is an empty widget that covers the whole screen and forwards input to a Coherent GT View. The widget should be added in the front of the viewport so it can process mouse and keyboard messages first. Due to Unreal Engine 4's architecture, the widget can process keyboar...
It should say "Build succeeded". If you click "All Messages" at the top of the build output, you can see more detail showing what was run. This should look similar to the "Compiler Log" output in the "Message Log" window of the editor. ...
If the process creating the .pak file fails, the text file that begins with "UnrealPak" will contain any error messages (again, search for "Error:" without the quotes). Each time the AutomationTool runs, it will clean out (delete) any previous .txt files from the AutomationTool folder ...
Your graphics driver is an essential piece of software that lets your system communicate with the graphics card. If it is outdated, it would cause noticeable performance problems. Therefore, when you experience random crashes when playing Halo, whether, with error messages or not, you should make...