问如果设置UDP源地址,则返回WSASendMsg错误EN今天一位客户说网站错误页面返回的状态码是302而不是404,问ytkah要如何处理。这个应该是设置没有正确的原因。我们一步步来排查一下。1、首先打开iis管理器,左侧选择具体的站点,在右侧窗口中点击404错误页,如下图所示 在...
using the afdx_send_msg() function, transmits the buffer as the UDP payload where all of the protocol parameters are determined by the AFDX Configuration file. 用户提供一个数据缓冲区,并且大小参量和”提到Tx口岸的“把柄和,使用afdx_send_msg() 作用,传送缓冲作为UDP酬载,所有协议参量取决于AFDX配置文...
fail with an error from SIPp indicating, "Unable to send UDP message: Bad address." Looking at the message log, it appears this is happening because SIPp is inserting my local MAC address instead of my local IP address wherever "local_ip" is used. I believe I can work around this by ...
err = call UDP.sendto(&ER_addr, alert, sizeof(Alert_t)); printf("\nerror_t: %u\n", err); I can see the first printf showing the value 3, but the second printf with the error_t value doesn't show up. I also noticed that putting the code in the task isn't executed (I se...
err = call UDP.sendto(&ER_addr, &alert, sizeof(Alert_t)); alert is... (Alert_t *) and you malloc a block of memory and remember it in the var alert. When you call UDP.sendto this is the block you want the send to come from. ...
> + ether_type = (!is_udp) ? MLX4_IB_IBOE_ETHERTYPE : > + (ip_version == 4 ? ETH_P_IP : ETH_P_IPV6); > + > mlx->sched_prio = cpu_to_be16(pcp); > > + ether_addr_copy(sqp->ud_header.eth.smac_h, ah->av.eth.s_mac); ...