1)Compute_Force_And_Moment (d, t, x_cg, f_body, m_body, TRUE),是一个在求解 物体运动时很实用的一个宏,但是就像其他很多宏一样,在Ansys的官方帮助文档中,并没有 它的简介,只能在头文件里找到它,像我这样的小白,一般很难看明白。但通过查阅各种论 坛、微博帖子以后,并结合自己的使用经历,先就此进...
1)Compute_Force_And_Moment (d, t, x_cg, f_body, m_body, TRUE),是一个在求解 物体运动时很实用的一个宏,但是就像其他很多宏一样,在Ansys的官方帮助文档中,并没有 它的简介,只能在头文件里找到它,像我这样的小白,一般很难看明白。但通过查阅各种论 坛、微博帖子以后,并结合自己的使用经历,先就此进...
在“机体”的udf中,我们通过两个Compute_Force_And_Moment 函数分别对“机体”和“胸鳍”的受力进行计算: Compute_Force_And_Moment (domain, yi, x_cg, f_glob, m_glob, TRUE); Compute_Force_And_Moment (domain, ti, x_cgt, f_globt, m_globt, TRUE); 然后以前进方向的力的和除以质量1.0得到加...
Hello, As I see many questions regarding calculating force and/or moment on a rigid body, I would like to share my experience with a non-documented function defined in wall.h. The function is Compute_Force_And_Moment . For some mysterious reason, the fun
但是如果同时求多个 机翼的受力Compute_Force_And_Moment (domain, tf1, x1_cg, f1_glob, m1_glob,...
Compute_Force_And_Moment(domain,tf1,x_cg1,f_glob1,m_glob1,False); un=v_body1[0]; xn=a1_ctr; K1=f_glob1[0]/mass-2*ke_si*ome_ga*un-ome_ga*ome_ga*xn; K2=f_glob1[0]/mass-(un+dtm*K1/2)*2*ke_si*ome_ga-ome_ga*ome_ga*(xn+un*dtm/2); ...
Compute_Force_And_Moment (domain, tf1, x_cg, f_glob, m_glob, TRUE); Thread_loop_c(c,domain); q=0.5*C_R(c,dt)*sqrt(C_U(c,dt)*C_U(c,dt)+C_V(c,dt)*C_V(c,dt)+C_W(c,dt)+C_W(c,dt)); Cax=f_glob[0]/A/q; CN=f_glob[1]/A/q; Cz=f_glob[2]/A/q; Mx=...
Hey there, I am writing a UDF for parallel computing at the moment. I am using the Compute_Force_And_Moment function. But I am not sure if I need to
For monitoring the force over a given surface you could use the function Compute_Force_and_Moment inside your UDF. It gives you the forces in the x, y and z direction and moments around the x, y and z axis. The function should be applied to a surface that is already defined in the...