Compute_Force_And_Moment()进行力和力矩的计算。该函数的声明位于f_wall.h头文件内。没有任何对该函数的官方什么。 该函数的描述: Compute_Force_And_Moment (d,t, x_cg, f_body, m_body, TRUE) fluent软件中一个内部函数,主要是用以计算三维物体的受力。其中t指向所要求解的物体边界,x_cg是物体边界的...
1.不能用双精度求解器,如果使用双精度求解器,Compute_force_and_moment宏会报错。 2.其他宏(比如adjust)内不能调用Compute_force_and_moment宏,只能在cg_motion宏中调用。 3.并行情况下,需要每个计算node调用Compute_force_and_moment,然后再主节点中进行累加。
在“机体”的udf中,我们通过两个Compute_Force_And_Moment 函数分别对“机体”和“胸鳍”的受力进行计算: Compute_Force_And_Moment (domain, yi, x_cg, f_glob, m_glob, TRUE); Compute_Force_And_Moment (domain, ti, x_cgt, f_globt, m_globt, TRUE); 然后以前进方向的力的和除以质量1.0得到加...
看到好多虫友用到Compute_Force_And_Moment (domain, tf, CG, force, moment, true)这个函数在udf中...
求助,有用过COMP..我想模拟转子叶片在水的阻力下减速的过程。试算说明: 如图,中间是转子,包含转子的区域(rotor)与外围流域(stationary)以interface隔开,先给rotor域一个转速,一段时间后使其在
Hello, As I see many questions regarding calculating force and/or moment on a rigid body, I would like to share my experience with a non-documented function defined in wall.h. The function is Compute_Force_And_Moment . For some mysterious reason, the fun
I want to calculate the force and the moment on walls. It is easy to write functions for pressure portions, but I am not sure what to do with the viscous portion. I found a function in f_wall.h, Compute_Force_And_Moment, which seemed to be designed for such things. Does Anyone hav...