Thanks outofspace, randomgal for the insight. I'm really excited by the idea of being "in" somewhere (this is the first kind of admissions notification I've received from the schools to which I've applied), and from what I've seen from other posters such nomination tends to imply admi...
Admissions 招生 Application Requirements 申请要求 1.Online application 网络申请表格: connect.grad.ucsd.edu/a 国际生申请费用为140美元。 点拨君备注: 想申请 2020 夏季和秋季的同学,进入网站后点击下面跳转至新网申表格: 2.Transcripts & Diploma 成绩单 & 学位证明 在申请的过程中可以提交非正式的成绩单(unoff...
Be realistic about what these classes get you—they are not an econ PhD—but they seem pretty valued by employers and students regularly get quant-focused development jobs. Overall I think the program is strongest in international development, economics, and energy. GPS offers a lot of ...