Computer Science and Engineering 说下Computer Science,研究生专排15,本科的也是这个数,Computer Science...
就学术排名上来说,UCSD的成绩还是不错的,如题主所罗列的数据。学校在Engineering, Computer Science,...
In the face of such high demand, UC San Diego offered admission to nearly 10,000 fewer potential first-year students than it did for the 2020-2021 application cycle. The total acceptance rate was23.8%, which is ten percentage points lower than it was just one year ago. 1,633 fewer Calif...
一共选了五节课 Math 20B Chem 6A DOC1(我们学院的写作课)Cse3(Computer science&Engineering 超级初级的computer science) 和 Japn 10A (最最初级的日语课) 除了日语课都是那种100-400人的大课 除了cse是在开学后再加的 其他课都很顺利的选上了 并没有出现在waitlist惶恐不安的情况(可能是我上的课初级也...