老师是英国人,口音非常可爱 department director级别的 要上课clicker 每周作业只有十道题的quiz 需要找好同伴 但是考试带cheatsheet 考试不难 有seating chart 老师很nice 04 Physics 3 Physics 3系列真的水A 讲的都是高中物理 大家学过的东西 不过尽量避开3A的Kirkby A. GE III: Social and Behavioral Sciences A...
https://catalogue.uci.edu/schoolofsocialsciences/departmentofcognitivesciences/psychology_bs/#requirementstext Mathematics https://catalogue.uci.edu/schoolofphysicalsciences/departmentofmathematics/mathematics_bs/#requirementstext Art: https://catalogue.uci.edu/clairetrevorschoolofthearts/departmentofart/art_ba...
药学系(Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences) 理学院(School of Physical Sciences) 社会生态学院(School of Social Ecology) 社会科学学院(School of Social Sciences) 护理项目(Program in Nursing Science) 公共卫生项目(Program in Public Health) 申请条件 ...
Also, uci录的中国学生当中有很大一部分是school of social science底下的business economics简称BE, econo...
CS271 Distributed System:老师是Albaddi,这门课干货还挺多的,是之后他另一节课cloud computing的默认...
Center for Cognitive Neuroscience. Department of Cognitive Sciences. Department of Biomedical Engineering. Institute for Mathematical and Behavioral Sciences. School of Social Sciences. Radiology Imaging Lab (MEG). International Conference on Biomagnetism. Federation of European Neuroscience Societies. FMRI res...
摘要: The article reports that the University of California in Irvine will house the $5 million Intel Science and Technology Center for Social Computing research center that will link the social sciences and the humanities to the design and analysis of digital information....
Department Staff | UCI Composition http://comp.humanities.uci.edu/people/staff.php WR 39A: Introduction to Writing and Rhetoric. WR 39AP: Introduction to Writing and Rhetoric with Lab. WR 39B: Critical Reading and Rhetoric. WR 39C: Argument and Research. Directors and Course Directors. Directo...
Department Staff | UCI Composition http://comp.humanities.uci.edu/people/staff.php WR 39A: Introduction to Writing and Rhetoric. WR 39AP: Introduction to Writing and Rhetoric with Lab. WR 39B: Critical Reading and Rhetoric. WR 39C: Argument and Research. Directors and Course Directors. Directo...
Engineering. Information and Computer Sciences. Donald Bren School of ICS. Program in Nursing Science. Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences. School of Physical Sciences. Program in Public Health. School of Social Ecology. School of Social Sciences. Division of Undergraduate Education. UCI is first in...