有一个场景,是Danny Ocean和同伙需要偷一个神秘零件“Pinch”来产生电磁冲击波,这个场景是在Gillespie Neuroscience Research Facility拍摄的,是这座建筑的时尚感和未来感让它登上大 4Biological Sciences Building 1985年的喜剧科幻电影《Creator》中性格古怪...
我不网红谁网红! 加州大学尔湾分校建校是在1965年,是一所年轻的大学,是一所集才华与颜值于一身的大学。从建校起,UCI就吸引了一大波导演前来取景,镜头里随处可见食蚁兽,是好莱坞的最爱!走在UCI的校园,有没有觉得分外眼熟?盘点6处UCI最出名的电影拍摄地! 1 Social Science Tower and Admin Building 如果你参观...
School of Social Sciences社会科学学院一共13个本科专业,其中包含:经济,心理,政治科学,人类学等。社...
Welcome to OS X Server. OS X Server makes it easier than ever for the people in your organization to collaborate, communicate, and share information. Configure Macs and iOS devices so they're set up for your organization. Create bots to automate the integration process of building, analyzing,...
This building looks like it would fit perfectly with PS2/FRH -- as if they were interlocking pieces of something bigger, such as a giant robot... Among the many alternative meanings of the acronym "UCI" is "Under Construction Indefinitely". Although UCI has existed since 1965, the constructi...
Welcome to OS X Server. OS X Server makes it easier than ever for the people in your organization to collaborate, communicate, and share information. Configure Macs and iOS devices so they're set up for your organization. Create bots to automate the integration process of building, analyzing,...
Of this most recent gift to UCI, $50 million will go to constructing a building to house the new college, and $5 million is earmarked for state-of-the-art technology and labs. The remaining $145 million will be used to endow up to 15 faculty chairs...
The TIPPERSdata dashboardshows information on UCI building usage focusing on different regions and floors within structures. The university’s Wi-Fi network collected the data securely and privately. A crowd flow monitoring tool measures the circulation of people through regions ov...
(1987) and his first lead role in the equally maligned horror outing "Phantasm II" (1988), LeGros would find a niche in the less-monied quarters of the filmmaking world, beginning with the Gus Van Sant film "Drugstore Cowboy" (1989) and building into one of the most prolific indie ...