UCB的工程学院和商学院的合作项目Management,Entrepreneurship&Technology(M.E.T)需要额外提交1篇350字的补充文书。 Describe how the Management, Entrepreneurship, & Technology Program in Engineering and Business at UC Berkeley will help you to achieve your goals and how your background and/or experiences m...
同时Berkeley还有一大特点就是它强大的学霸结界。UCB一直以来都是以压力大,学习难著称,一天一章的讲课进度,超纲十年的家庭作业,伯克利的小宝贝们你们准备好了吗~ 除了“我爱学习”几个大字之外,说到berkeley,在校的很多学生还提到了安全问题;虽然说校园内安保肯定是相当到位,但它的地理位置以及周边环境确实让人不免担...
Free Essay: The American Medical Student Association (AMSA) at UC Berkeley is a chapter composed of pre-med students. The mission of the UC Berkeley AMSA...
乔治·斯穆特,著名天体物理学家、天文学家,伯克利物理学教授,因在宇宙微波背景辐射方面作出了卓越贡献而于2006年获得诺贝尔物理学奖,在伯克利成立了著名的“伯克利宇宙学中心”(Berkeley Center for Cosmological Physics, BCCP); 索尔·珀尔马特,著名天体物理学家、天文学家,伯克利物理学教授,1998年领导团队发现宇宙膨胀...
19fall申请拿了挺多offer选了berkeley这个项目,总的来说有利有弊,我来客观分析下。 以下内容需要积分高于 50 您已经可以浏览 先说弊: - Berkeley虽然是CS大校全民CS,然而课程开的并不是很丰富。System课开的比较少,Deep Learning、Machine Learning倒是开的比较多。。。而且MEng的选课每年都在变,只能看当年开了...
“There is a sense that we are on the precipice of a really big move toward quantum computing,” said Dan Stamper-Kurn, UC Berkeley professor of physics and director of the institute. “We think that the development of the quantum computer will be a real scientific revolution, the defining...
For example, if you want to major in chemistry, Berkeley requires you to have taken one year of chemistry, one year of physics, four years of math, and two to three years of a foreign language. Research your intended major on Berkeley's website to check the specific requirements you need...
MATH 121BMathematical Tools for the Physical Sciences Intended for students in the physical sciences who are not planning to take more advanced mathematics courses. Special functions, series solutions of ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations arising in mathematical physics, probabilit...
Online Courses Opera Philosophy Photography Physics Podcasts Poetry Politics Pretty Much Pop Productivity Psychology Radio Random Religion Sci Fi Science Software Sports Stanford Technology TED Talks Television Theatre Travel Twitter UC Berkeley ...
2: Sculpting, 3: Cooking, 4: Inability to take AP courses and self-studying instead, 7: Starting a recycling program 2: How art has shaped me, 5: Challenges related to taking care of brother, 6: Biology, 8: Fashion 1: Econ Club, 2: Emceeing, 6: Physics, 7: Creating an app ...