Irfan Siddiqi spoke about quantum technologies. An experimentalist at the University of California, Berkeley, Irfan featured onQuantum Frontiersseven years ago. His lab specializes insuperconducting qubits, tiny circuits in which current can flow forever, without dissipating. How can we measure a superco...
One problem is that that the course 8/18 (physics/math) people and the 14/15 (economics/management) people aren't on speaking terms. The other problem is that MIT tends to focus management courses toward starting new companies in which quantitative finance is largely irrelevant. Aug 3, 2011...
“I have possibly never met a programmer who could tolerate someone looking at the screen while he typed. It brings out all sorts of Asberger-like behaviour in an otherwise well-adjusted person, including myself….” When I was at U.C. Berkeley stud...