以下是配置静态IPv6地址的示例: yaml network: version: 2 ethernets: eth0: dhcp4: true dhcp6: no # 禁用DHCPv6以使用静态IPv6地址 addresses: - <your-ipv6-address>/64 # 替换为你的IPv6地址 routes: - to: ::/0 via: <your-gateway-ipv6-address> # 替换为你的IPv6网关地址 ...
addresses: [] # 静态 IP 地址, 斜杠后面的是子网掩码, 24 表示 24 个 1, 即 gateway4: # 网关地址, 在 22.04 版本中不再需要这一行, 只需要指定下面的路由网关地址即可 nameservers: addresses: [] # DNS 服务器地址 routes: - to: # ...
routes:#主要是这里,如果没有修改的话,网关可能不会起作用,有时会报错。 -to:default via:网关地址 -to:default via:2001:02C0:0006:0300::1#网关地址 version:2 然后运行 netplan apply 执行netplan报错,则需安装 apt-getinstall openvswitch-switch-y 查看ip信息: ip addr show OK,现在已经...
the communications protocol that provides an identification and location system for computers on networks and routes traffic across the Internet. In Ubuntu, as with other operating systems, IPv6 is used to expand the number of IP addresses available and to solve the limitations of IPv4....
新的配置项ipv4.routes.external,ipv6.routes.external可用于将外部IP地址或子网路由到OVN网络上运行的实例。这些配置项目可以与restricted.networks.subnets项目配置中的配置项一起使用,首先将一组外部IPv4 / IPv6子网委派给特定项目,然后在该项目中将这些地址路由到实例。安装部署 发行包可以在我们的官方下载页上找到...
netplanin Ubuntu Bionic 18.04 LTS doesn’t understand the “to: default” syntax to specify a default route, and should use the oldergateway4: instead of the wholeroutes:block. The loopback interface is identified by the system asloand has a default IP address of
ip addr Shows addresses assigned to all network interfaces. ip neigh Shows the current neighbour table in kernel. ip link set x up Bring up interface x. ip link set x down Bring down interface x. ip route Show table routes. HISTORY ...
address1=, route2=, route3=, route4=, route5=,[ipv6] ...
NUMBER is an arbitrary 32bit number, where routes with lower values are preferred. table TABLEID the table to add this route to. TABLEID may be a number or a string from /usr/share/iproute2/rt_tables or /etc/iproute2/rt_tables (has precedence if exists). If this parameter is ...
为多网卡Linux云服务器配置IPv4和IPv6策略路由(CentOS) check eth0:循环检查主网卡eth0是否获取到IPv4地址(eth0网卡地址为10.0.0.115),间隔时间为1s,重试次数为10次。 Add v4 routes for eth0:主网卡的策略路由,和5.a配置保持一致。 check eth1:循环检查扩展网卡eth1是否获 来自:帮助中心 查看更多 → ...