这个时候你需要利用ubuntu的upstart机制 简单说来,就是将一个这样的脚本: 1 2 3 start on startup task exec /path/to/command 存为taskxxx.conf文件,放到/etc/init 目录下面(这将会在开机时用root用户权限启动); 或者存为 ~/.config/upstart(这将会在开机时用当前用户权限启动) 如果你是比较现代的ubuntu (...
I want to run a command when I then start an EC2 instance. The AMI of the instance is Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type. The following are the methods I've tried: Create a script named test.sh under /etc/init.d/. sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/test.sh sudo chown r...
[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Exec=/usr/bin/python3 /path/to/your/script.py Hidden=false NoDisplay=false X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true Name[en_US]=My Script Name=My Script Comment[en_US]=Run my Python script on startup Comment=Run my Python script on startup ...
echo"Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|reload|status|configtest|force-quit|kill}"exit1;; esac 模板 下面开始进行我们自己的配置 #! /bin/sh # chkconfig:23455525# Description: Startup scriptfornginx webserver on Debian. Placein/etc/init.d and # run'update-rc.d -f nginx defaults', or use th...
and available languages. To start the webserver you need to run a shell file called startup.sh and if you need to restart your server you need to go to the folder and run the same command again. What if you could run a script for this command to start tomcat every time your system...
运行mysql:sudo service mysql start 结束mysql:sudo service mysql stop 取消开机启动:sudo update-rc.d -f mysql remove Ubuntu设置Tomcat开机自启动 1.新建文件tomcat.sh,将上面内容写入文档。JAVA_HOME,WEBSERVER_PATH根据实际情况填写。 (注意第一句#!/bin/sh如果不写,就不是一个shell文件)然后将对应的JAVA_...
Comment=Run my custom startup script 然后在上一步设定的目录创建my_start_vnc.sh ,并写入如下x11vnc的启动命令: /usr/bin/x11vnc -display :0 -shared -nomodtweak -forever -capslock -repeat -xkb -xrandr"resize" -rfbport5900 给my_start_vnc.sh 文件赋予执行权限: ...
In order to complete this tutorial, you will need to have a server running Ubuntu, along with a non-root user withsudoprivileges and an active firewall. For guidance on how to set these up, please choose your distribution fromthis list and follow our Initial Server Setup Guide...
If using a different version, replace the URL in the command. The process downloads the file from the remote server. 3.Extract the tar.gz filewith: tar -xvf ufw-0.33.tar.gz 4. Navigate to the program directory: cd ufw-0.33 5. Run the Python setupscript: ...
系统环境是Ubuntu 16.04.7的server版本,查看运行级别是N 5本以为有桌面环境,用户告知实际无桌面环境,而查资料发现Easyconnect的安装是需要桌面环境的。 # runlevelN5 1. 2. 1.2、安装Easyconnect客户端的版本 安装的Easyconnect包名为EasyConnect_x64_7_6_7_3.deb,按说deb包安装是可以直接双击安装的,但是在配置好...