这个时候你需要利用ubuntu的upstart机制 简单说来,就是将一个这样的脚本: 1 2 3 start on startup task exec /path/to/command 存为taskxxx.conf文件,放到/etc/init 目录下面(这将会在开机时用root用户权限启动); 或者存为 ~/.config/upstart(这将会在开机时用当前用户权限启动) 如果你是比较现代的ubuntu (...
[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Exec=/usr/bin/python3 /path/to/your/script.py Hidden=false NoDisplay=false X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true Name[en_US]=My Script Name=My Script Comment[en_US]=Run my Python script on startup Comment=Run my Python script on startup ...
Name[en_US]=AutostartName=Autostart Comment[en_US]=Run autostart script on startupComment=Run autostart script on startup 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 这个.desktop文件的Exec行指定了要运行的Python文件的路径(/usr/bin/autostart.py)。你可以根据你自己的Python文件的路径进行修改。 步骤...
ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /home/lab001/workspace/startup-script/auto_connect/auto_connect.py #ExecStart=/home/lab001/workspace/startup-script/auto_connect/auto_connect.sh StandardInput=tty-force StandardOutput=syslog StandardError=syslog #RestartSec=30 #Restart=on-failure #Restart=on-abort [Inst...
Run the script as root and it opens a configuration window. Remember that the default runlevel will be 2 so place an “X” in the options you want to start at boot in that runlevel. You can see that the tomcat7 script is recognized by the command. ...
mystartupscript.conf start on runlevel [2345] stop on runlevel [!2345] exec /path/to/script.py 通过在其中放置该conf文件,您可以挂接到ubuntu的upstart服务,该服务在启动时运行服务。 手动启动/停止使用sudo service mystartupscript start和sudo service mystartupscript stop完成 ...
# By default this script does nothing.echo"hello start up script!"> /home/sc/Desktop/mystart.txt exit0 重启后可以在桌面上看到生成的mystart.txt文件。 方法二、添加一个Ubuntu的开机启动服务 如果要添加为开机启动执行的脚本文件,可先将脚本复制或者软连接到/etc/init.d/目录下,然后用:update-rc.dxxx...
Run Python Script on Ubuntu Ubuntu 24.04 ships Python 3 by default. Open the terminal and run the following command to double-check Python 3 installation: python3--version Copy If Python 3 is already installed on your machine, this command will return the current version of Python 3 installati...
Removing any system startup links for /etc/init.d/test ... /etc/rc0.d/K95test /etc/rc1.d/K95test /etc/rc2.d/S95test /etc/rc3.d/S95test /etc/rc4.d/S95test /etc/rc5.d/S95test /etc/rc6.d/K95test linux 添加开机启动 ...
使用启动应用程序(Startup Applications): 打开“系统设置”,选择“启动应用程序”。 点击“添加”,输入程序的名称、命令和注释。 例如,如果你想让Firefox浏览器在开机时自动启动,可以输入: 名称:Firefox 命令:firefox 注释:启动Firefox浏览器 通过.desktop文件: ...